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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1902   View pdf image (33K)
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John W Walker
R N McVeigh
John M Webb
N M Bashler
Wm Penn Lewis
Henry Coburn
A L Meldan
Adolph Schmidt
John Dolan
George Huber
Jacob Garshans
L Grimm
N Appel
L H Hesa
J T Long
H Ogle
Henry Schutte
T Sigurd
Geo V Mitchell
Charles Trensch
Peter Schoeaf
August Koerner
Meritz Zerk
Henrik Prau
Pat Appel
John Appel
Nicolaus Reisheim
Anton J Herold
Andrew Koutz
F A Christopher
L Hoffman
Johan Moniers
Michael Strobel
T Oppenheim
John Schrun
Barnard Haferteyre
Jno Hasleck
John Mirschberger
John Mirschberger Jr
Jacob Auth
Leopold Kuggal
Karl Adam
Daniel Dietrich
Albert Morius
S Kahn
B Helling
Ch Heer

W H Redwood
Louis A Segan
Geo Schnibler
D Larrabee
Frederick Korner
F Kroeber
Thomas Haggs
W C Green-wood
Geo W Dexter
Anthony Smith
Jno B Graver
Wm Powel
Thes Fulmer
G Ambring
Fr Anrd
Joseph Schloss
Wm Graham
Louis Beryer
Geo McDonald
William Edgar
John O'Brien
George dark
Wm Harris
Wm McCoubray
Charles Miller
Richard Arnd
Geo L Buckley
Thos H Dobson
John Rettner
Nicholas Kerper
George Holton
M Hankol
Henry Wentkee
Gottfrey Shultz
L Shipe
Henry Husmeyer
George Hultzman
William xving,
Henry Walters
William Gilbert
Geo W Kraft
Franklin B Cassidy
"William Smith
William Schloss
Edward M Wright
L Stern
Anthony V Houck


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1902   View pdf image (33K)
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