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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1888   View pdf image (33K)
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A G Smith
Saml Burns
John Whittington
Stewart Brown
Dani Warfield jr
Isaac McCurley
Charles Shipley
Roderick Taliaferre
G W Brown
John McGebbenny
William Debeats
James McCormick
F R Savage
Jno T Armstrong
H A Wix
George Young
William Magilley
J F Farmer
Jas Johnson
John Farber
Dani G Wrighk
George Philpot
J A Hoogewerff
Win Hagerty
Tliomas Lyncli
John Mullen
Francis O'Connor
Bernard McKenna
John Smith
Henry McNally
William Gillin
Michael Walsh
Timothy Driscoll
G C McComas
H.P Sherwood
Henry Miers
Ch aides E Ballauf
William L Ballauf
W Stehli
Zachary A Ballauf
John Walter
Joseph Carter
Dan Wittgenstein
John Kocli
Geo J Bajanoosky
Francis Gillin
Patrick Carey
Bernard Boyle

Arthur Geo Brown
H C McClure
R Steuart Latrobe
Wm A Fisher
John Payne
A B Hunts
John Fauth
W Winsinger
John McCafferty
Theo Glocker
George L Dobbin
Jno H Converse
H R Dulany
J L Stringly
J I Gross
Edw F Carroll
I A Preston
John F Pre ton
Frelder C Sligluff
R J Gittings
Win Shepart Bryan
Patrick Flynn
George T Hulse
John Briscoe
W H Myer
Wm S Corbit
Jas Canfield
Louis Spencer
C Renolds
Wm F Bokee
Jno A Hambiil
Geo B High
Ch Egnery
Frederick Bensinger
Michael Kelv
H G Friedricks,
John Basemer
John E Morgan
E Brady
M E Holohan
John Burns
John Hoddinott
James Anderson
James J Young
Michael Finnegan
D Steever
N Burke
Conrad Slotz


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1888   View pdf image (33K)
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