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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1134   View pdf image (33K)
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On a Motion for the Previous Question, on a Motion to Lie
on the Table, or a Motion to Adjourn, there shall be -no
Every Question shall be entered on the Journal, and the
yeas and nays shall betaken when required by five members
who shall have divided on the Question; and whenever the
yeas and nays are ordered to be taken, no question of adjourn-
ment shall be received or propounded by the Speaker, until
the yeas and nays are called, counted and reported.
Any Member may call for the Division of a Question, which.
shall be divided, if it comprehend propositions in substance
so distinct that, one being taken away, a substantive proposi-
tion shall remain for the decision of the House.
A Motion to Strike Out and Insert shall be deemed indivisi-
ble; but the matter proposed to be inserted may be divided,
if required, according to the 26th Rule. A Motion to Strike
Out being lost, shall preclude neither Amendment nor a Mo-
tion to Strike Out and Insert. No Motion or Proposition on
a subject different from that under consideration, shall be
admitted under color of amendment.
All Questions, except on the Final Passage of a Bill, or a
Motion to Suspend the Rules, or those otherwise herein pro-
vided for, shall be determined by a majority of the members
present; those dividing in the affirmative rising in their
places, those in the negative continuing in their seat, and so
vice versa, until a decision by the Speaker.
The Question on the Final Passage of a Bill shall always
be determined by yeas and nays, which shall be recorded on
the Journal; and unless it shall thus appear that a majority
of the whole number of Members elected to the House have
voted in the affirmative, the Bill shall be declared rejected
When a Question has once been decided in the affirmative

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1134   View pdf image (33K)
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