VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1796.
Amendment proposed. In the 11th line of the
2d page, after the word "Maryland" insert the
words " and provided also, that the lands which shall be acquired by and
vested in the said corporation
by virtue of this act, shall not exceed in the whole the quantity of three
hundred acres."
On motion, ORDERED, That the bill, entitled, A further
supplement to an act, entitled, An act
to lay out several turnpike roads in Baltimore county, and for other purposes,
be made the order of
the day for to-morrow.
The bill, entitled, An act to authorise the raising
a sum of money by lottery to complete and finish
a house of public worship in Baltimore county, was read the second time
and will not pass.
The bill, entitled, An act for the better administration
of justice in the several counties of this
state, was read the second time and will pass with the proposed amendments.
Amendments proposed. In the 2d line of the 2d
page strike out the word "second" and insert
the word "first." In the same line strike out the word "October"
and insert "August." In the
same page, 3d line, strike out the word "fourth" and insert the word "second."
In the 4th line
of the same page strike out the word "second" and insert the word "fourth."
In the same line
strike out the word "November" and insert the word "October." In
the 5th line of the same page
strike out the word "fourth" and insert "second." In the 9th
line of the same page strike out
the word "third" and insert the word "second." In the 10th line of
the same page strike out
the first "February" and insert the word "May." In the same line
strike out the word "August"
and insert "November." In the same line strike out the word "first:
and insert the word "second."
In the 9th line of the 4th page, after the word "and" insert " may also
in court sitting." In the
11th line of the same page strike out the words " in or out of court,"
and also the same words ' om
or out of court" at the end of the line. In the 12th line of the
same page strike out the word
"sitting." At the end of the same page insert " And be it enacted,
That all acknowledgements of
deeds hereafter made for the conveyance of land before any chief justice
of a district within his district,
or any associate justice within his county, shall be as good and valid
in law as if the same were made
before any judge of the general court, or before two justices of the peace,
any law, usage or custom,
to the contrary notwithstanding." In the 7th line of the 5th page strike
out the word "same" and
insert the words " said original books in writing." In the 11th
line of the 7th page, after the word
"parties" insert " at the discretion of the court." At the end of
the 7th line of the 9th page add
" until the sheriff or coroner of the county where such defendant shall
reside shall have returned a
non est inventus on a capias ad respondendum, or capias ad satisfaciendum,
issued at the request of
the said person against the said defendant." At the bottom of the
same page insert " provided always,
nothing in this act contained shall extend to the benefit or advantage
of any person who shall fly from
justice in the county where they live, but that such persons may be arrested
in any county wherever
they may be found." At the end of the 16th page insert " And, whereas
some of the county courts
may stand adjourned to a period subsequent to the time above specified
for holding said courts, Be it
enacted, That the said courts, so adjourned, shall and they are hereby
adjourned to the Monday next
preceding the days above mentioned for holding the said courts respectively."
In the 3d line of the
20th page strike out the words " ca sa" and insert " capias ad satisfaciendum."
On motion, ORDERED, That the order of this day be made
the order of the day for to-morrow.
On motion, ORDERED, That the honourable Littleton Dennis,
Esquire, be added to the committee
for the examination of engrossed bills, in the place of the honourable
John S. Purnell, Esquire,
who is absent.
The resolution in favour of the methodist society was
read the second time and dissented from.
The following message was prepared, read and agreed
By the SENATE, December 22, 1796.
WE have dissented from your resolution in favour of
the methodist society, as not containing
such provisions as we think adequate to secure the repayment of the money
loaned. We herewith
send to your house a form of a resolution to which we will assent, if it
should originate with you.
By order,
A. VAN-HORN, clk.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
be and he is hereby authorised and directed to
advance on loan to Jesse Hollingsworth, Philip Rogers and Emmanuel Kent,
the sum of eight thousand
dollars, to be applied for rebuilding and completing the academy in Baltimore-town
lately consumed
by fire, to be repaid at the expiration of five years, to commence from
the receipt of the
money, on the trustees of the said academy producing to the governor and
council a good and complete
title to, and executing a mortgage of, the said property to the state,
for securing the repayment
of the said advance at the time aforesaid, and giving security, to be approved
by the treasurer, for
the application of said money to the improvement of said academy.
The senate adjourns until 5 o'clock.
I D I E M.
THE senate met.
The bill, entitled, An additional supplement to
the act, entitled, An act for the removal of the
seat of justice from Melville's warehouse, to Pig Point, in Caroline county,
the bill, entitled,
An act to correct a misnomer in an act, entitled, An act concerning the
bank stock, the bill, entitled,
An act to incorporate the Roman catholic congregation worshipping at the
church of St.
Mary, in the vicinity of Bryan-town, in Charles county, the bill, entitled,
An act to authorise the
raising a sum of money by lottery to complete and finish a house of public
worship in Baltimore