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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1796
Volume 105, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)
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and fixing the rates thereof, within the city and precincts, and for regulating the
sweeping of any chimney, by the neglect of which the safety of the city may
be endangered; and to ascertain the width of those to be built in the city; to
establish and regulate fire wards and fire companies; to regulate and establish the
size of bricks that are to be used in the houses to be built in the city; to erect
and regulate pumps in the streets, lanes and alleys; to impose and appropriate
fines, penalties and forfeitures, for the breach of their by-laws or ordinances;
to lay and collect taxes, not exceeding two dollars in the hundred pounds in any
one year, except as before is excepted; to enact by-laws for the prevention and
extinguishment of fire; and to pass all ordinances necessary to give effect and
operation to all the powers vested in the corporation of the city of Baltimore;
provided, that the by-laws or ordinances of the said corporation shall be in no 
wise obligatory upon the persons of nonresidents of the said town, being citizens
of this state, unless in cases of intentional violation of by-laws or ordinances
previously promulgated; all the fines, penalties and forfeitures, imposed by the
ordinances of the corporation of the city of Baltimore, if not exceeding twenty
dollars, shall be recovered before a single magistrate, as small debts are by law
recoverable, and if such fines, penalties and forfeitures, do exceed the sum of
twenty dollars, then to be recovered by action of debt, in Baltimore county
court, in the name of the corporation, and for the use of the city of Baltimore.
Powers of the
to cease, &c.
    X.  And be it enacted, That the powers and authority vested in the town
commissioners, special commissioners and port wardens, heretofore appointed by
law for Baltimore-town, except the authority of the town commissioners to hold
elections agreeably to the constitution and form of government, shall cease and
determine as soon as this act shall be in force and operation; and the corporation
of the city of Baltimore are hereby declared to possess, and may provide for the
exercise of, all powers and authorities now vested in the said town commissioners,
special commissioners and port wardens, except the holding of elections for delegates
to the general assembly, but no rights acquired under the acts of the
aforesaid boards shall be annulled, impaired, avoided or restrained, by any act
of the said corporation; and immediately upon the operation of this act, and
organization of the corporation contemplated thereby, the records, papers, proceedings,
monies, accounts, and all other matters and things appertaining to the
said commissioners of Baltimore, special commissioners and port wardens, shall
be lodged and deposited with such person or persons as shall be appointed by
the mayor and corporation of the city to receive the same; and all acts of the
legislature of the state of Maryland now in force shall continue and remain in
force, but the powers and authorities thereby delegated to the commissioners of
Baltimore-town, special commissioners and port wardens, or any other tribunal
or persons, touching the police of Baltimore-town, or any of its internal concerns,
shall be and they are hereby transferred and vested in the corporation
hereby constituted, and the said corporation are hereby empowered to act under
such laws, in the same manner, and as fully, as of the said corporation had been
particularly named in such laws; the mayor shall, in virtue of his office, have
and exercise all the jurisdiction and powers of a justice of the peace, except as
to the recovery of small debts, and may call upon any officer of the city intrusted
with the receipt and expenditure of public money for a statement of his accounts,
as often as he or the corporation may conceive it necessary; he shall see that the
ordinances are duly and faithfully executed, and shall report annually to the corporation,
during the first five days of their session, a general state of the city,
with an accurate account of the money received and expended, to be published
for the information of the citizens; the mayor and corporation of the city of
Baltimore, the judges and clerks of the elections, and all other officers of the
city, before they enter upon the execution of their respective offices, shall severally
take the following oath or affirmation:  " I do solemnly swear, or affirm,
" as the case may be, that I will faithfully execute the office of -----------
" to the best of my knowledge and ability, without favour, affection or partiality."

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1796
Volume 105, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)
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