JOHN H. STONE, Esquire, Governor.
1796. |
said duties, which bond shall be lodged with the treasurer of the western
and shall also take an oath before the chancellor, that he will well
and faithfully
discharge the duties of agent under the act, entitled, An act to appoint
an agent
for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the best
of his skill
and judgment, the certificate of which oath shall be annexed to, or
on, the said bond.
be it enacted, That if the said agent shall not accept his appointment,
or if after acceptance he shall not give bond and take the oath
aforesaid before the first day of February next, or shall die, the
governor and
council are hereby authorised and requested to appoint a fit and proper
person in
his place, who shall have and execute all the authorities and powers
vested in
the said William Marbury by this act, such person first giving security
and taking
the oath aforesaid. |
How a vacancy
is to be
filled. |
An additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the
relief of the poor of Calvert county. |
Passed December
31. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that the trustees
appointed by a supplement to the act to which this is an additional
supplement have not acted as trustees in pursuance of their appointment,
II. Be it enacted,by
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
the levy court of said county are hereby empowered to appoint other
persons as
trustees of the poor of said county in the room of any of the said
trustees that
have neglected or shall hereafter neglect to act as such, and in all
cases where
any trustee appointed in virtue of this act shall die, or neglect to
perform the
duties of his office, the said justices are in like manner empowered
to appoint
some other trustee in his place. |
Justices to
appoint persons,
&c. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to incorporate an insurance
company in Baltimore-town. |
Passed December
31. |
BE it enacted, by
the General Assembly of Maryland, that so much of the
original act to which this is a supplement as requires three directors
the said corporation to be excluded by lot annually shall be and is
II. And
be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said company to insure
freights of ships or vessels, and goods or merchandise on board of
ships or vessels,
in addition to the articles allowed by the said original act to be
insured; and hereafter
the said company may employ the sum of money reserved for the payment
of losses, on loan, at legal interest, on debentures, payable at Baltimore,
due within sixty days after the time of the loan.
III. And
be it enacted, That any stockholder of the said company, not being
director in any other insurance company, shall hereafter be eligible
as a director,
notwithstanding such person may be a stockholder in any other insurance
IV. This act to take effect and be in force
immediately after the acceptance
thereof by the said corporation, and the declaration of their acceptance
the seal of the said corporation, and hand of the president, shall
be lodged with
the clerk of the general court of the western shore. |
Part of an act
may insure
freights, &c.
eligible, &c.
When to be
in force. |
An ACT to revive and continue the acts of assembly therein
mentioned. |
Passed December
31. |
BE it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the following
acts of assembly, to with: An act, entitled, An act for the more
punishment of certain offenders, and for taking from them the benefit
of |
Several acts
revived, &c. |