1796. |
J. Erskine,
&c. to collect,
How monies
are to be appropriated
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said John
Erskine and John Thomas, or the
survivor of them, be and they are hereby authorised
to demand, collect and receive,
all balances and sums of money which
were due to the said Richard Johns
at the time of his death, on account of any
public assessment, county rates
or officers fees as aforesaid, for the years seventeen
hundred and ninety-two, ninety-three
and ninety-four, at any time before
the tenth day of December, seventeen
hundred and ninety-seven, in the same
manner as the said Richard Johns
could or might have done while he was sheriff
and collector as aforesaid, and
his several offices were unexpired; and the said
John Erskine and John Thomas, or
the survivor of them, also shall have full
power and authority to appoint a
deputy or deputies under them for the purpose
of making collections as aforesaid,
in as full and ample a manner as the said
Richard Johns could or might have
done while he was sheriff or collector as
III. Provided
always, and be it enacted, That
the said administrators, or
one of them, shall, at least ten
days before the execution or distress of property
for the balances aforesaid, deliver
to the person charged, or leave at his or her
place of abode, a proved account,
deliver to the person charged, or leave at his or her
such part thereof as may be claimed
as due, together with all payments that may
have been in any manner made by
such person, and shall give at least five days
notice, by advertisement at the
most public places in the neighbourhood, of the
time and place of sale, in case
of such execution or distress; and provided also,
that all the books of the said Richard
Johns, and his deputies, in which his accounts
as sheriff and collector are stated
and kept, shall be deposited in the hands
of the administrators aforesaid
in the town of Easton, to be inspected and examined
by every person who shall apply
for the same, in order to ascertain any
payments that may have been made
upon his or their account.
IV. And
be it enacted, That it shall
be the duty of the said administrators, or
either of them, and they are hereby
ordered and directed, to appropriate the
monies that may be collected by
them as aforesaid, in the first place to the payment
and discharge of all such debts
as the said Richard Johns owed in his capacity
of sheriff or collector as aforesaid,
and the balance thereof, if any, to be
accounted for to the other creditors
of the said Richard Johns in his individual
capacity. |
Passed December
31. |
An additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act to streighten
and amend the post-road from Havre-de-Grace to Baltimore-town. |
Powers, &c.
to be carried
into effect,
&c. |
WHEREAS no measures have been heretofore adopted to erect a bridge
over the Great Falls of Gunpowder, as contemplated by the act to
which this is an additional supplement, and the payment of damages
to the persons over whose property the road has been laid out and opened
been thereby delayed: And whereas the vacancies occasioned by
the death of
Messieurs Griffith and Smith, two of the commissioners in the said
original act
named, have been omitted to be filled up by the survivors; wherefore,
to carry
the important objet of the said act completely and immediately into
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That William
Evans, of Baltimore-town, and John
Barney, of the town of Havre-de-Grace,
be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners in the room and stead of William
Smith, (Bay-side,) and Samuel Griffith,
III. And
be it enacted, That the surviving
commissioners in the said original
act named, and those appointed under
this act, or any three or more of them,
are hereby directed and required
to carry into complete effect, as soon as may be,
the directions, authorities and
powers, in the second and third sections of the
said original act contained. |