JOHN H. STONE, Esquire, Governor
1796. |
for the government and regulation of the said school as by them shall
be deemed
requisite, which rules and regulations shall be observed by the masters,
tutors and scholar, of the said school.
V. And, in
order to perpetuate the succession of the said trustees, Be
enacted, That
as often as any one or more of the said trustees shall resign, die,
or remove out of the said counties
of Somerset and Worcester, the remaining
trustees, or a majority of them,
shall, at their next stated meeting, before they
proceed to other business, elect
a suitable person to fill such vacancy, residing in
the county in which such vacancy
shall happen, who shall, before proceeds
to act as trustee for said school,
qualify in manner aforesaid.
VI. And
be it enacted, That the said
trustees, or a majority of them, are
hereby empowered to receive and
recover all monies due to the said school in the
hands of the former visitors, or
any of them, or any of their heirs, executors or
administrators, or any other person
or persons, and the same to apply to the use
of the said school.
VII. Provided,
nothing in this act shall compel the said trustees, or a
majority of them, to sell the said
school and lands, unless the said trustees, or a
majority of them, should be of opinion
that a removal of the said school would
be of public utility to the said
counties of Somerset and Worcester. |
How vacancies
are to be
filled, &c.
Trustees may
receive monies,
Proviso. |
An ACT for recording a patent therein mentioned. |
Passed December
30. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that by a special
warrant of resurvey, dated the third day of January, seventeen hundred
and seventy-one, on a tract of land called Button's Chance, a
certain James Button had surveyed and laid out for him the quantity
of one
hundred and sixty-three acres of land, lying in Dorchester county,
called Button's
Intent, and that the said James Button, by an assignment, bearing date
fourteenth day of November, seventeen hundred and seventy-two, transferred
and made over all his right, title and interest, to the certificate
of the said land,
to a certain Josias Mace, of the county aforesaid: And whereas
it further appears,
that the said certificate was regularly compounded on and returned
to the
register of the land-office, and that a patent thereon was made out
by the sid
register, and signed by the governor, and examined and attested by
the chancellor,
bearing date the eighth day of August, seventeen hundred and ninety-three,
but could not be recorded by the said register, inasmuch as the certificate
the said land had been lost: And whereas it is reasonable and
just that the title the
of and in the said land should be confirmed to the respective owners
and proprietors
thereof, to whom the same hath come by sundry conveyances and
descents; therefore,
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the patent for
the said land called Button's Intent,
made out in the name of the said Josias
Mace, and dated the eighth day of
August, seventeen hundred and ninety-three,
and signed by Thomas Sim Lee, governor,
and attested by Alexander Contee
Hanson, chancellor, be and the same
is hereby ordered and directed to be recorded
in the land records of the western
shore of this state, and the same, when
so recorded, shall have the same
effect and operation in law and equity as if it
had been originally recorded on
the eighth day of August, seventeen hundred
and ninety-three, and the certificate
aforesaid, upon the return thereof, had been
also recorded in the said office
agreeable to law, and there still remaining on
III. Provided
always, and be it enacted, That
nothing in this act shall be
construed to affect the right or
title of any person or persons whatsoever already
acquired to the whole or any part
of the said tract of land so as aforesaid patented. |
Patented to be
recorded, &c.
Proviso. |