1796. |
XII. |
and he is hereby authorised and required, upon the application of the
or purchasers thereof, or their heirs or assigns, to examine into the situation
such sale, and upon being satisfied that the applicant is entitled to the
claimed, and that the whole purchase money and interest hath been paid,
to execute,
on behalf of this state, a deed of conveyance of all the state's interest
to such person or persons as shall be legally entitled thereto. |
Passed December
30. |
An ACT for the relief of Benjamin Moreton, of Baltimore
county. |
Right released,
&c. |
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, by the petition of
Benjamin Moreton, of Baltimore county, that a certain James
McBoyce, late of the same county, died possessed of a certain parcel
of certificate land, lying in Baltimore county, which, from the endorsement
upon the certificate of survey returned to the land-office of the western
shore, has
been settled for in full, and the account closed in the treasury books:
whereas it further appears, that not patent hath as yet issued upon the
said certificate,
and that the said James McBoyce died without issue, leaving a widow, who
also died without issue, and that the said petitioner and his sister, the
nephew and
niece of the said widow, were sent for from beyond sea by the said James
McBoyce, and arrived in this state when infants, in the life-time of the
McBoyce, and immediately after the revolution; that the said petitioner
and his
sister have been in the uninterrupted possession of the said land ever
since the
death of the said widow until the death of his, the sid petitioner's sister,
which time the petitioner has been in the sole and quiet possession of
the same:
And whereas the said Benjamin Moreton, on the twenty-first day of May,
hundred and ninety-six, was naturalized, agreeably to the act of congress,
appears by the certificate of the clerk the general court of the Western
And whereas it appears reasonable that the state of Maryland should release
to the
said Benjamin Moreton all right, title and claim, in and to the said land,
may have accrued to the said state upon the death of the said widow, and
that a
patent should issue to the said Benjamin Moreton for the said land; therefore,
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all the right,
title and claim, of the state of Maryland, of in and to the tract or parcel
land aforesaid, lying in Baltimore county, being lot No. 20, part of My
Manor, is hereby released, transferred and vested, in the said Benjamin
and the chancellor is hereby authorised and directed to issue to the said
Moreton, his heirs and assigns, a patent for said land; provided nevertheless,
that any right which may have been heretofore acquired by any person or
is hereby saved and protected. |
Passed December
30. |
An ACT to enable the vestry of Christ church parish, in Calvert
county, to sell and dispose of certain lands therein
mentioned. |
Vestry may
sell land, &c. |
WHEREAS the vestry of Christ church parish, in Calvert county, by
their petition to this general assembly have represented, that they now
hold a tract of land called The Gore, which is, in its present situation,
but of little utility to the said parish, and that if the said lands could
sold, the money arising from the sale might be applied to beneficial purposes,
improving another tract of land held by the said vestry, and become the
of accommodating a pastor in the same; therefore,
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said vestry,
in their corporate capacity, are hereby authorised, after giving thirty
days notice
at the most public places in the said county, to sell and dispose of the
said tract of
land called The Gore, with the appertenances, by public sale, either for
money, or on such a credit as the said vestry may deem necessary in order
to sell
the said lands to the best advantage, and such sale so made, and evidenced
by deed
of bargain and sale, executed and acknowledged by the said vestry, or a
majority |