1796. |
Surveys may
be compounded
Certificates to
be received,
&c. |
pay on the same; And whereas that state cannot be injured by extending
the time
for compounding on such certificates; therefore,
II. BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all persons
having surveys made on the eastern shore before the first day of July,
one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, or having surveys since made
virtue of warrants granted before that time, and which by law were returnable
to the land-office for the western shore, may compound thereon on or before
first day of July next; and that no certificate of survey or resurvey
made on the
eastern shore on warrants granted and returnable as aforesaid, shall be
liable to
be affected by any proclamation, or other warrant, before the first day
of July
next; provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be taken or
to affect the right of any person already acquired by any proclamation
or special
warrant of resurvey, or by any common warrant already located, to lands
within any such certificates of survey or resurvey.
III. And be it
enacted, That all certificates of survey or resurvey made on the
eastern shore, under warrant granted as aforesaid, and which were by law
to the land-office of the western shore, shall be received into the land-office
for the western shore at any time on or before the said first day of July
next, and shall be therein recorded, and which shall be as good and effectual
all purposes, as if such certificates had been returned and compounded
on agreeable
to the acts of assembly heretofore made and provided. |
Passed December
30. |
An ACT making valid the title of Matthew Ryan to several lots
or parcels of land therein mentioned. |
to have operation,
&c. |
WHEREAS Richard Jennings, late of Frederick county, deceased,
and others, did convey to Matthew Ryan several lots or parcels of
land lying in Frederick county: And whereas doubts have arisen
whether the said Richard Jennings ever became naturalized, and competent
point of law to hold and enjoy real estate, or convey the same, within
this state;
and it appearing to this general assembly that the said Richard Jennings
and acted as a citizen in various capacities, and held a commission of
in the militia of this state, and it is reasonable and just that his contracts
engagements should take effect: And whereas it appears that Matthew
at the time of the execution of the said conveyance, was not naturalized,
but hath since become a citizen of this state, by taking the oath required
II. BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the conveyance
made and executed by Richard Jennings, on the twenty-third day of March,
seventeen hundred and ninety-four, as well as other conveyances to him,
said Matthew Ryan, have, to every intent and purpose, the same operation
effect, as to the conveying of the lands therein mentioned, as if the
grantors had
been respectively naturalized, and had become citizens of this state
to the sale and conveyance of any of the said lands, and as if the said
Ryan had himself been naturalized at and before the time such conveyances
were respectively executed, any law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding;
provided nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall affect or
defeat the right or claim of any citizen of this state to any of the said
lands, or
any part thereof, acquired before the passage of this act. |
Passed December
30. |
An ACT for the more effectual collection of the county charges
in Allegany county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS experience has discovered that the laws heretofore passed for
the collection of the county charges of Allegany are totally inadequate
for that purpose; therefore, |