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" By the house of delegates, December 7, 1796: Read the second
time and will pass.
T H U R S D A Y, December 8, 1796. THE senate met. Present the same members as
on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday
In answer to your message of yesterday we inform you, that we shall be ready, on Friday next, to go into an election of a senator to represent this state in the senate of the United States after the expiration of the term for which John Eager Howard was chosen, and we have framed the resolution which accompanies this message, to which we request your concurrence. By order, W. HARWOOD, clk. Which was read. And also the following resolution: this state in the senate of the United States after the third day of March, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, to be a resident of the western-shore, and the person on the said shore having a majority of votes of all the attending members of both houses, be declared to be duly elected to represent this state in the senate of the Unites States for the term of six years; and that a commission issue to the said senator, appointed as aforesaid, signed by the governor for the time being, or in his absence by the presiding member of the council, in the following words, to wit: The legislature of Maryland reposing especial confidence in your integrity and abilities, hath appointed you senator to represent this state in the senate of the United States for the term of six years, to commence on the fourth day of March, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven. Given under my hand, and the seal of this state, this -------- day of ------------, anno domini -----------. Which was read the first and second time by especial order, assented to, and sent to the house of delegates by the clerk. On motion, ORDERED, That the senate reconsider the resolution in favour of Valentine Lynn; and upon reconsideration the said resolution was assented to. The bill, entitled, An act to explain and amend the thirty-third section of an act, entitled, An act for the more effectual paving the streets of Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, and for other purposes, was read the second time and will pass, and, with the resolution in favour of Valentine Lynn, was sent to the house of delegates by the clerk. The president communicates to the senate the petition of John Bowie, suggesting that a negro man named Ned, was, by the court of Cæcil county, for larceny, sentenced to serve two years on the roads, and praying that a law may pass empowering the commissioners of Baltimore county to deliver the said Ned to him the said Bowie; which was read and referred to the honourable William H. Dorsey, Esquire, to consider and report thereon. The senate having previously qualified, according to the constitution and form of government and laws of this state, agreeably to the order of the day, proceeded to the election of a senator to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the honourable John Eager Howard, Esquire. The ballot box was prepared, the ballots deposited therein, and on examination thereof it appeared, that the honourable David McMechen, Esquire, had a majority of votes. Whereupon it is declared in the senate, that the honourable David McMechen, Esquire, is duly elected a member thereof. The resolutions appointing commissioners respecting the western and southern limits of this state, were read the second time, and assented to with the proposed amendment. Amendment proposed. Strike out the first resolve and insert " Whereas by a resolution passed at the last session of the general assembly of Maryland, William Pinkney, William Cooke and Philip Barton Key, Esquires, were appointed commissioners on the part of this state to meet such commissioners as may be appointed for the same purpose by the commonwealth of Virginia, to settle and adjust, by mutual compact between the two governments, the western and southern limits of this state, and the dividing lines and boundaries between this state and the said commonwealth; and also to settle and adjust as aforesaid any claim of this state, or the said commonwealth, to territory within the limits of the other: And whereas the said William Pinkney is now absent from this state, and |
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