Spearman of the Oklahoma House of Rep-
resentatives, who for several years has
been trying very hard to have a constitu-
tional convention called in the State of
Oklahoma is here on the floor, sitting next
to Delegate Winslow. He has made the trip
to Maryland in order to observe the work-
ings of this Convention, and mostly to pick
up a few hints. Mr. Spearman. (Applause.)
Are there any reports of other standing
committees? If not, we will move to intro-
duction and first reading of proposals.
There are fourteen proposals today, Nos.
369 to 382.
Before moving on to the proposals, I call
to your attention the fact that you have
had placed on your desks, twenty-three, I
believe, memoranda in support of various
proposals heretofore submitted. Twenty-one
of these memoranda, those dealing with
Proposals 151, 179, 188, 190, 191, 193, 194,
205, 229, 230, 238, 247, 254, 257, 265, 267,
269, 273, 301, 302, 303, 324 referred to the
Committee on Personal Rights and the
Preamble, and 305 to the Committee on
General Provisions.
All of the memoranda are by Delegate
Delegate Proposal No. 369. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 369, by Delegates Barrick, Grant, Mac-
donald, Moser and Ulrich. Title,
A PROPOSAL that establishes the
powers of counties; the general application
of laws; and that nothing in the Consti-
tution shall limit the powers of the General
Assembly; notwithstanding the provisions
of public general law, to permit any county
to enact legislation in the exercise of any
power or the performance of any function
denied to any other county or counties.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 369 is referred to the Committee on
Local Government.
There is a memorandum accompanying
this proposal by Delegate Moser.
Delegate Proposal No. 370. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 370, by Delegate Clagett. Title,
A PROPOSAL that establishes the
powers of counties; the classification of
counties; the general application of laws;
and that no county shall be exempt from
any public general law applicable to coun- |
ties in its class, except that nothing in the
Constitution shall limit the power of the
General Assembly, notwithstanding the
provisions of public general law, to permit
any county to enact legislation resulting in
the exercise of any power or the perform-
ance of any function denied to any other
county or counties.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 370 is referred to the Committee on
Local Government.
Delegate Proposal No. 371. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 371, by Delegates Gallagher, Bard,
Sickles and Boyce. Title,
A PROPOSAL that establishes a condi-
tional veto to be exercised by the governor
only once on each bill of the General As-
sembly whereby he may return a bill to
the General Assembly with recommenda-
tions for amendment, and that thereafter
it shall be laid before the governor again
for veto consideration.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 37I is referred to the Committee on the
Executive Branch.
Delegate Proposal No. 372. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 372, by Delegates Caldwell and K.
Robie. Title,
A PROPOSAL that the University of
Maryland, the state colleges, and other in-
stitutions of higher education shall be man-
aged and governed in accordance with law
by boards appointed by the governor which
shall have exclusive general supervision
over the internal management of the insti-
tutions, and that the General Assembly
shall provide such other state councils or
boards as may be necessary to insure co-
operation and coordination between the in-
stitutions of higher learning.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 372 is referred to the Committee on
General Provisions.
Delegate Proposal No. 373. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 373, by Delegates M. H. Smith, J. H.
Smith and Henderson. Title,
A PROPOSAL that the Constitution
contain a transistory provision that the
office of sheriff be continued as elective |