THE CHAIRMAN: The only safe an-
swer the Chair could give to either of those
questions is to say he does not know.
DELEGATE PULLEN: I do not think
any of us knows.
THE CHAIRMAN: Does any delegate
desire to speak in favor of the amendment?
Any delegate desire to speak in opposi-
tion to the amendment?
Delegate Macdonald, do you have any
suggestion you want to offer?
now, Mr. Chairman.
THE CHAIRMAN: Very well.
The question arises on the adoption of
Amendment No. 1 to Committee Recom-
mendation SF-2.
The amendment as it is now before you
is as follows, and this would be substituted
entirely for the language in Committee
Recommendation SF-2.
"Neither the State nor the governing1
body of any political subdivision of the
State shall operate or authorize a lottery
for the purpose of financing1 any expenses
of government."
A vote Aye is a vote in favor of the
amendment as a substitution for the Com-
mittee Recommendation; a vote No is a
vote against.
Cast your vote.
Has every delegate voted? Does any dele-
gate desire to change his vote? The Clerk
will record the vote.
There being 69 votes in the affirmative
and GO in the negative, the amendment is
The question now arises on the approval
of Committee Recommendation No. SF-2
as amended. Is there any further discussion?
Are you ready for the question? A vote
Aye is a vote in favor of the Committee
Recommendation as amended ; a vote No
is a vote against.
Cast your votes.
Has every delegate voted? Does any dele-
gate desire to change his vote?
(There was no response.)
The Clerk will record the vote-
There being 101 votes in the affirmative
and 29 in the negative, the motion is car-
ried, Committee Recommendation SF-2 as
amended is approved.
The Chair recognizes Delegate Case,
Vice-Chairman of the Committee, to pre-
sent Committee Recommendation SF-3.
Delegate Ulrich.
I rise to a point of personal privilege.
THE CHAIRMAN: State your privilege.
DELEGATE ULRICH: I would like to
welcome in the balcony over the rostrum
the Honorable Tyras Athey, member of the
House of Delegates, his lovely daughter
Darlene, and her friend Miss Elizabeth
THE CHAIRMAN: Delighted to have
Delegate Boyer.
ladies and gentlemen of the Convention, on
the point of personal privilege, I would like
to relate an incident that happened in our
section of the State.
In anticipation of the many complexities
of this Convention, and in an attempt to
obtain an accurate expression of the people,
Kent County adopted something that is
positively novel and to the best of my
knowledge was not attempted in any other
We appointed in our county a Kent
County Constitutional Convention Commit-
tee made up of a cross-section, an accurate
cross-section, of the people. They then went
out and obtained the viewpoint of the citi-
zenry of the county.
The Kent County delegation of this Con-
vention then sent back home, fed back
home all the information we could obtain
here at this Convention to the Kent County
Constitutional Convention Committee so
that they could work on it and advise and
guide our delegation here how to vote.
I would like to take this opportunity to
publicly express my appreciation to this
hard-working group for the many hours
they have devoted to the affairs of this
Constitutional Convention for the guidance
they have given this delegate.
It is interesting to note that all of the
recommendations of the committee have
been exactly the same as the Kent County
delegate would have voted if unadvised.
My point is this, Mr. Chairman, that when
this finished product of the Convention is