dent made yesterday and some other people
have moved here, so he got up and moved
for reconsideration. It was 11:20 P.M. at
night. The Senate was out of session al-
ready at 10:00 P.M. The Speaker without
blinking said, I am sorry, that bill has al-
ready gone to the other body.
He said, if you like, I would send a
message to the Senate and ask that bill be
returned for our reconsideration.
One minute to midnight the following
night was adjournment time and the
message came back signed by the Honor-
able William James and he said, we refuse
to return the bill. We were up the creek.
That was with the 72-man majority re-
quired. When you see the speed with which
bills go through this house, by the time
you find a bill that is read across the desk,
in your notebook, it is already passed.
I urge you to protect the people of this
State. The very few bills that are going to
deny anyone anything are going to be very
minimal compared to the damage that is
going to be done if a bill is allowed to be
passed by a 31-man vote in the lower house
and a 11-man vote in the upper house.
THE CHAIRMAN: Does any other dele-
gate desire to speak in opposition to the
Delegate Sickles.
very briefly, I think that the arrangements
on both sides of this question are a bit
overstated. It seems to me that there are
dire results that can be predicted under
either system. I have worked under both
systems. I prefer the latter system, which
does not require a constitutional majority.
I think it takes one impediment away from
the orderly legislative process which has
too many impediments built in already.
THE CHAIRMAN: Delegate Linton.
I do not know of any organization that has
a precedent for this type of majority in
passing laws unless it be the National
Birdwatchers Society and I do not believe
that they ure an authority. If we are going
to pay our legislators $8,000 and not re-
quire that they be present to get a constitu-
tional majority to pass laws of this State,
especially after removing the right of coun-
ties to exempt themselves from laws, we
are giving live ammunition to those pro-
ponents of a new Constitution, and I would
submit that we should by all means adopt
these amendments. I, therefore, speak in
favor of it.
THE CHAIRMAN: Are you ready for
the question?
(Call for the question.)
The question arises on the adoption of
Amendment No. 14 to Committee Recom-
mendation LB-2.
A vote Aye is a vote in favor of Amend-
ment No. 14. A vote No is a vote against.
Cast your votes.
Has every delegate voted?
Does any delegate desire to change his
(There was no response.)
The Clerk will record the vote.
There being 99 votes in the affirmative
and 23 in the negative, the motion carries.
The amendment is adopted.
The question now arises on the adoption
of Amendment No. 15 to Committee Recom-
mendation LB-2.
Are you ready for the question?
Delegate Gallagher.
man, I urge approval on adoption of both
of these amendments in view of the action
just taken.
THE CHAIRMAN : A vote Aye is a vote
in favor of Amendment No. 15. A vote No
is a vote against.
Cast your votes.
Has every delegate voted?
Does any delegate desire to change his
(There was no response.)
The Clerk will record the vote.
There being 121 votes in the 'affirmative
and 2 in the negative, the motion carries.
The amendment is adopted.
The question now arises on the adoption
of Amendment No. 16 to Committee Recom-
mendation LB-2.
The Chair recognizes Delegate Beatrice
DELEGATE B. MILLER: I would like
to ask the Chairman of the Legislative
Committee a question, if I may.
THE CHAIRMAN: Delegate Gallagher.
THE CHAIRMAN: Delegate Miller.