THE CHAIRMAN: The amendment hav-
ing been seconded, the Chair recognizes
Delegate Morgan to speak to the amend-
DELEGATE MORGAN: This makes no
change. It is merely a drafting amendment
to clarify the meaning of the Committee.
THE CHAIRMAN: Is there any dis-
(There was no response.)
Are you ready for the question?
(Call for the question.)
The Clerk will ring the quorum bell.
The question arises on the adoption of
Amendment No. 19 to Committee Recom-
mendation EB-1. A vote Aye is a vote in
favor of Amendment No. 19. A vote No is
a vote against.
Cast your vote.
Has every delegate voted?
Does any delegate desire to change his
(There was no response.)
The Clerk will record the vote.
There being 96 votes in the affirmative
and none in the negative, the motion
carries. The amendment is adopted.
Delegate Morgan, do you have a further
dent, we have an amendment in section 4.03
marked BD and this is the amendment as
to the lieutenant governor.
THE CHAIRMAN: The pages will dis-
tribute Amendment BD.
This will be Amendment No. 20. The
Clerk will read the amendment.
READING CLERK: Amendment No. 20
to Committee Recommendation EB-1, by
Delegate Morgan: On page 2 section 4.03,
Lieutenant Governor, in lines 4, 5 and 6
strike out these words "perform such duties
as may be prescribed by law and such other
duties as may be delegated to him by the
governor" and insert in lieu thereof the
following words: "have such powers and
perform such duties as may be delegated
to him by the governor, but no power or
duty specifically prescribed for the gov-
ernor by this constitution shall be delegated
to the lieutenant governor under this sec-
THE CHAIRMAN: Is the amendment
(Whereupon the motion was duly sec-
THE CHAIRMAN: The amendment hav-
ing been seconded the Chair recognizes
Delegate Morgan to speak to the amend-
this amendment limits the powers and
functions that the governor may delegate
to the lieutenant governor. Any power or
function specifically given to the governor
by this Constitution may not be delegated
to the lieutenant governor under this sec-
tion. It can only be vested in the lieutenant
governor by the lieutenant governor be-
coming active governor under section 4.07,
that is when the governor notifies the lieu-
tenant governor in writing that he will be
temporarily unable to carry out his duties.
These are the functions that are specifically
granted to the governor by the executive
article of the constitution or the power of
the governor to give messages to the Gen-
eral Assembly, to veto bills passed by the
General Assembly, return bills to the Gen-
eral Assembly, to organize and reorganize
the executive branch of the government, to
appoint and remove the heads of principal
departments to make other appointments
and removals and to exercise executive
clemency. Those are the powers and func-
tions which may not be delegated to the
lieutenant governor under this section.
THE CHAIRMAN: Are there any ques-
Delegate Grant.
gan, under section 4.03 as originally drawn
up, the duties are prescribed by law. Pre-
sumably by being prescribed by law the
lieutenant governor could not be assigned
duties other than those delegated to him
by the governor, such as presiding over the
Senate. Is it the intention of this amend-
ment to insure that the lieutenant governor
will not be able to perform any duties other
than those delegated to him by the gov-
ernor or would you still anticipate that he
could be assigned duties which would be
duties other than those which would be
delegated to him by the governor?
THE CHAIRMAN: Delegate Morgan.
was not the intention to prevent the Gen-
eral Assembly from prescribing duties for
the lieutenant governor any more than it