rassing position, agreeing with some of the
sponsors of this bill on this amendment.
In recent years seldom are we in agree-
ment. I really and truly believe that such
an amendment is not necessary. We should
not have to have it, but I am not so sure,
and I think we ought to have. I do not
care what argument anybody gives, secret
meetings are not necessary. In the twelve
years I have been fortunate enough to be
Chairman of the Judicial Proceedings Com-
mittee, the doors were always open. The
press knows that. Sometimes I disagree
with the press, but let me say to you, Mr.
President pro tem, I believe the press should
always be there, and I want to compliment
the sponsors of this fine amendment to the
rules, and I sincerely hope that it will pass.
THE CHAIRMAN: Any further discus-
All in favor of the adoption of the amend-
ment say Aye. Opposed, No. The Ayes
seem to have it. The Ayes have it. The
amendment to the rule is adopted.
" Any further amendments to the rules?
The Chair recognizes Mr. Willoner from
Prince George's County.
amendment to Rule 5. I believe the Clerk
has it.
THE CHAIRMAN: The Secretary will
read the proposed amendment.
THE SECRETARY: Introduced by Dele-
gate Willoner. Amendment to Rule 5: On
page 3 of the mimeographed proposed rules
and in Rule 5, strike out all of the lines
1-7, inclusive, and insert in lieu thereof the
"Rule 5. Appointment by the President
and Vice-Presidents. The President, with
the two Vice-Presidents, shall appoint
the chairman and members of all stand-
ing committees. A majority of these three
officers shall determine each appointment.
All appointments shall be announced to
the Convention and entered upon the
Journal. Each committee shall elect one
of its members to be the vice-chairman.
The vice-chairman shall perform all the
duties and functions of the chairman in
the absence of the chairman."
THE CHAIRMAN: The Chair recog-
nizes Delegate Willoner.
ment is self-explanatory, I submitted this
amendment to the Rules Committee, and as
was explained by the Chairman, this was |
voted down. I resubmit the amendment in
the hope that it will be voted on and that
the majority of the people will feel this is
appropriate. It is an attempt primarily to
provide for a more representative selection
of the committee. We feel that the Conven-
tion or the committee itself would be more
soundly based if it were chosen with a
committee of three, and we feel that this
would be a great help in setting forth this
proposal, I think it would be an improve-
ment, to our public image, for the simple
reason that these rules, as it is agreed by
most delegates, are extremely flexible at
present, I think this would indicate we in-
tend to run a Convention fairly and serving
the best interests of all the delegates to
the Convention.
THE CHAIRMAN: Any discussion?
Delegate Sickles?
DELEGATE SICKLES: I would like to
rise in support of the amendment proposed
by Delegate Willoner of Prince George's
County, I think there are two things that
motivate my decision in this matter. One
would be democracy, and two, criteria. We
are a body elected to represent all the
people of the State, and in their wisdom
when it was decided there would be a Con-
stitutional Convention, they did not decide
that they would select one man to write a
document, and then submit it to the people,
but it was decided that all areas of the
State would be represented and that we
would be assembled to adopt our rules and
then proceed to deliberate. One of the basic
jobs that has to be done is the division of
this entire body into smaller groups, for
the purpose of this deliberation. It just
seems to me that it would not be in line
with democracy if we set the principle of
having this authority alone without any
restraints or restrictions; that if we were
to allow two other elected officers who were
elected today to form a committee of three,
for this one function only, that of deter-
mining the makeup of the committees, and
the chairmen of these various committees,
that this would make it a more democratic
decision. Now to go to my second point,
that of criteria, I cannot reach into the
minds of individuals that I do not know.
Perhaps because of my past experience I am
personally acquainted with as many dele-
gates in this house as anybody else in the
chamber, but I would have a very difficult
time trying to decide who should be on
one committee and who should be the chair-
man. Now, I do not know what is in the
minds of these individuals who would be
our president, and I just think that we |