Messrs. Goldsborough, President; Berry,
of Prince George's, Briscoe, Clarke, Dent,
Earle, Edelen, Harwood, Mitchell, Scott—10.
There being no quorum preseat,
On motion of Mr. SCOTT,
The Convention adjourned.
FRIDAY, July 15,1864.
The Convention met at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Davenport.
The roll was called, and the following mem-
bers answered to their names :
Messrs. Goldsborough, President; Dent,
Earle, Edelen, Harwood, Hopkins, Marbury,
Mitchell, Mullikin, Murray, Scott—11.
There being no quorum present,
On motion of Mr. SCOTT,
The Convention adjourned.
SATURDAY, July 16,1864.
The Convention met at 10, A. M., (Mr.
SCOTT in the chair.)
Prayer by the Rev, Mr. McNemar.
The roll was called, and the following mem-
bers answered to their names ;
Messrs. Dent, Edelen, Galloway, Hopkins,
Marbury, Mitchell, Miller, Murray, Scott—9.
There being no quorum present,
On motion of Mr. GALLOWAY,
The Convention adjourned.
MONDAY, July 18,1864.
The Convention met at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
(Mr. SCOTT in the chair.)
The roll was culled, and the following mem-
bers answered to their names :
Messrs., Dent, Edelen, Galloway, Hopkins,
Mitchell, Murray, Scott—7,
There being no quorum present,
On motion of Mr. GALLOWAY,
The Convention adjourned.
TUESDAY, July 19,1864.
The Convention met at 10, A. M.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Patterson.
The roll was called, and the following mem-
bers answered to their names :
Messrs. Goldsborough, President; Abbott,
Annan, Audoun, Barron, Carter, Chambers,
Crawford, Cushing. Dail, Daniel, Davis, of
Charles, Davis, of Washington, Dennis, Dent,
Earle, Ecker, Edelen, Galloway, Harwood,
Hatch, Henkle, Hollyday, Hopkins, Hopper,
Johnson, Jones, of Somerset, King, Larsh, |
Lee, Mace, Markey, McComas, Mitchell, Mil-
ler, Morgan, Mullikin, Murray, Nyman, Par-
ker, Pugh, Ridgely, Russell, Sands, Schley,
Scott, Smith, of Dorchester, Stirling, Stock-
bridge, Wickard, Wooden—51.
The journals from Saturday, July 9th, to
Monday, July 18th, inclusive, were read and
Mr. HOLLYDAY presented two petitions from
citizens of Kent county, praying that a pro-
vision be adopted in the Constitution, pro-
viding for a session of the Court of Appeals
to be held each year on the Eastern Shore of
On motion of Mr. PUGH,
Ordered, That the thinks of this Conven-
tion be tendered to the President, and to
Messrs. Scott, Earle, Murray, Dent, Edelen,
Mitchell, and other members of the Conven-
tion for remaining at Annapolis during the
present raid, and by their presence keeping
alive the legal existence of this Convention.
On motion of Mr. HATCH,
Ordered, That the thanks of this Conven-
tion (representing as it does the people of
Maryland) are hereby tendered to the old
citizen and patriot of Baltimore county, Ish-
mael Day, for the heroic and gallant act in
shooting down the traitor who dared to poll
down the country's flag, which he had raised
as an evidence of his loyalty and patriotism,
which act of daring heroism meets the ap-
probation of the heart and conscience of every
loyal citizen of Maryland.
On motion of Mr. BARRON,
Ordered, That it be entered on the journal
that John Barron would have been in his seat
the last week, but for the thieves and trunk
robbers invading Maryland.
Mr. SCHLEY submitted the following :
Ordered, That this Convention, represent-
ing the people of Maryland, hereby respectfully
request the President of the United
States and the Commandants of the Military
Departments in which Maryland is included,
as an act of justice and propriety, to assess
upon known sympathizers with the rebellion,
resident in this State, the total amount of all
losses and spoliations sustained by loyal citi-
zens of the United States resident in this
State, by reason of the recent rebel raid, to
compensate loyal sufferers.
Mr. DENT called for the yeas and nays,
which were ordered.
The question being then taken, by yeas and
nays, it resulted—yeas 33, nays 17—as fol-
Yeas—Messrs. Goldsborough, President ;
Abbott, Annan, Audoun, Barron, Carter,
Cushing, Daniel, Davis, of Washington, Earle,
Ecker, Galloway, Hatch, Hopkins, Hopper,
King, Larsh, Markey, McComas, Mullikin, |