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Proceedings and Debates of the 1864 Constitutional Convention
Volume 102, Volume 1, Debates 26   View pdf image (33K)
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as to be placed in the worst. I will move the
following resolution.
"Resolved, That a committee of — mem-
bers be appointed by the Chair to arrange the
seats appropriate to the several delegations, 80
as to enable the delegates from each county to
occupy contiguous chairs."
Mr. NEGLEY moved to add the following
"Provided, That the delegations of the
.several counties who are contiguously seated,
be exempted from the operation of the resolu-
Mr. CHAMBERS. Of course that defeats the
purpose of the resolution.
Mr. TODD. As one separated from the dele-
gation of his county, I move that the whole
subject he postponed until after a permanent
organization. I am informed by officers of
the house that a different arrangement of the
seats will be made immediately after the ad-
journment to-day.
The motion was agreed to.
A message was received from the Governor
communicating the following list of members
elect, indicating thereupon those who had
taken file oath or affirmed.
Allegany county—Albert C. Greene, Hope-
well Hebb, George A. Thruston, Jacob Wickard,
Jasper Robinette,
Anne Arundel county—Oliver Miller, Sprigg
Harwood, William B. Bond, Eli J. Henkle.
Baltimore city— Samuel T. Hatch, Baltus H.
Kennard, William Brooks, Henry Stockbridge,
Archibald Stirling, Jr., John Barron, William
Daniel, Edwin A. Abbott, Joseph M. Cush-
ing, John L. Thomas, Jr., Joseph H. Audoun.
Baltimore comity—John 8. Berry, James L.
Ridgely, William H. Hoffman, Edwin L.
Parker, David King, William H. Mace, Silas
Carroll county—John E, Smith, Jonas
Ecker, Dr. John Swope William S. Wooden.
Cecil county—Thomas P. Jones, George
Earle, David Scott. Joseph B. Pugh.
Calvert county—James T. Briscoe, Dr. John
Turner, Charles S. Parran,
Charles county—Richard H. Edelen, Frede-
rick Stone, John W Mitchell.
Caroline county;—Robert W. Todd, James
D. Carter, Twiford S. Noble.
Dorchester county— Thomas J. Dail, Alward
Johnson, Dr. Washington S. Smith, Thomas
J. Hodson.
Frederick county— Samuel Keefer, Frederick
Schley, David J. Markey, Andrew Annan,
Henry Baker, B. H. Cunningham, Peter G
.Harford county—William Galloway, George
M. McComas, John A. Hopper, Thos. Russell
Howard county—Joel Hopkins George W
Sands, James Sykes.
Kent county—Ezekiel F. Chambers, David
C. Blackiston, George S. Hollyday.
Montgomery county.— In this county it ap-
pears by the returns of the Judges of Election
that no election was held in the 4th district
of said county in consequence as it is said of
a military interference; and a new election
has been ordered in said district, lo the
other districts of said county the following
persons are declared to have received the
greatest number of votes, viz: Thomas Lans-
dale, George Peter, Edmund P. Duvall.
Prince Georgia county—Daniel Clarke,
Samuel H. Berry, Edward W. Belt, Fendall
Queen Anne's county—John Lee, John
i Brown, Pere Wilmer.
St. Mary's county—Chapman Billingsley,
George W. Morgan, John F. Dent,
i Somerset county—Isaac D. Jones, Andrew
G. Crawford, William H. Gale, James U.
Dennis, John C. Horsey.
Talbot county—Henry H. Goldsborough,
James Valliant, John F. Mullikin.
Washington county—Henry W. Dellinger,
Lewis B. Nyman Peter Negley, James P.
Mayhugh, Joseph F. Davis, John R. Sneary.
Worcester county-— Thomas B. Smith, Wil-
liam T. Purnell, William H. W Farrow,
Francis T. Murray.
i The above members had all taken the oath
or affirmed excepting the following :
. Messrs. Henkle, Thomas, Briscoe, Edelen,
Stone, Mitchell, Johnson, Blackiston, Lans-
dale, Peter, Duvall, Marbury, Billingsley,
Dent, Gale, and Smith of Worcester county.
On motion, the roll was called and all of
the above members, 80 in number, who bad
been qualified, answered to their names.
Mr. BERRY of Prince George moved that
' the Convention adjourn until 12 o'clock to-
The motion was not agreed to.
Mr DANIEL moved to proceed to the election
viva voce of a permanent President of the
The motion was agreed to.
Mr. STIRLING nominated for President, Hen-
ry H. Goldsborough of Talbot county.
Mr. CLARKE nominated E. F. Chambers.
Mr. CHAMBERS. I hope the gentleman will
not persist in that nomination. If so unlike-
ly a thing should occur as that the body should
adopt the nomination made by my friend,
1 should be compelled to plead physical in-
firmity. I am among the oldest men here ;
and I should be very unwilling to accept a
The Convention proceeded to vote viva voce
for President, and five members had voted
Mr. CHAMBERS remarked that there being
but one name before the Convention, it would
save much time to elect by resolution.
Mr. HEBB objected that the calling of the
roll having been commenced it could not be
The CHAIRMAN sustained the point of order

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1864 Constitutional Convention
Volume 102, Volume 1, Debates 26   View pdf image (33K)
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