appointment, shall be uniform throughout the
SEC. 10. The qualified voters of each county,
and the city of Baltimore, shall, at the first
election of delegates after the adoption of this
Constitution, and every two years thereafter,
elect a surveyor for the counties, and the city
of Baltimore respectively, whose duties and
compensation shall be the same as are now
prescribed by law for the county and city
surveyors respectively, or as may hereafter be
prescribed by law. The term of office of said
county and city surveyors respectively, shall
commence on the first Monday of January
next succeeding their election. And vacan-
cies in said office of surveyors, by death, re-
signation, or removal from their respective
counties or city, shall be filled by the commis-
sioners of the counties, or mayor and city
council of Baltimore respectively.
SEC. 11. The qualified voters of Worcester
county shall, at the first election of delegates
after the adoption of this Constitution, and
every two years thereafter, elect a wreck-mas-
ter for the said county, whose duties and com-
pensation shall be the same as are now pre-
scribed or may be hereafter prescribed by law.
The term of office of said wreck-master shall
commence on the first Monday of January
next succeeding his election; and a vacancy
in said office, by death, resignation, or re-
moval from the county, shall be filled by the
county commissioners of said county, for the
residue of the term thus made vacant.
SECTION 1. That part of Anne Arundel
county called Howard district, is hereby
erected into a new county, to be called How-
ard county, the inhabitants whereof shall
have, hold and enjoy all such rights and priv-
ileges as are held and enjoyed by the inhabi-
tants of the other counties in this State; and
its civil and municipal officers, at the time of
the ratification of this Constitution, shall
continue in office until their successors shall
have been elected or appointed, and shall have
qualified as such; and all rights, powers and
obligations incident to Howard district of
Anne Arundel county shall attach to Howard
SEC. 2. When that part of Allegany county,
lying south and west of a line beginning at
the summit of Big Back Bone or Savage
mountain, where that mountain is crossed by
Mason and Dixon's line, and running thence
by a straight line, to the middle of Savage
river where it empties into the Potomac river,
thence by a straight line, to the nearest point
or boundary of the State of Virginia; then
with said boundary to the Fairfax stone, shall
contain a population of ten thousand, and
the majority of electors thereof shall desire to
separate and form a new county, and make
known their desire by petition to the legisla- |
ture, the legislature shall direct at the next
succeeding election, that the judges shall open
a book at each election district in said part of
Allegany county, and have recorded therein
the vote of each elector ''for or against'' a
new county. In case the majority are in
favor, then said part of Allegany county to
be declared an independent county, and the
inhabitants whereof shall have, and enjoy all
such rights and privileges as are held and en-
joyed by the inhabitants of the other coun-
ties in this State. Provided, that the whole
representation in the general assembly of the
county, when divided, shall not exceed the
present delegation of Allegany county, allow-
ed under this Constitution until after the next
SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the legis-
lature to pass laws for the enrolment of the
militia; to provide for districting the State
into divisions, brigades, battalions, regiments,
and companies, and to pass laws for the effec-
tual encouragement of volunteer corps by
some mode which may induce the formation
and continuance of at least one volunteer com-
pany in every county and division in the city
of Baltimore, The company, battalion, and
regimental officers (staff officers excepted)
shall be elected by the persons composing
their several companies, battalions and regi-
SEC. 2. The adjutant general shall be ap-
pointed by the Governor, by and with the
advice and consent of the senate. He shall
hold his office .for the term of six years, and
receive the same salary as heretofore, until
changed by the legislature.
SECTION 1. Every officer of this State, the
Governor excepted, the entire amount of
whose pay or compensation received for the
discharge of his official duties shall exceed the
yearly sum of three thousand dollars, shall
keep a book, in which shall be entered every
sum or sums of money received by bimoron
his account as a payment or compensation for
his performance of official duties, a copy of
which entries in said book, verified by the
oath of the officer by whom it is directed to
be kept, shall be returned yearly to the treas-
urer of the State for his inspection and that
of the general assembly of Maryland; and
each of such officers, when the amount re-
ceived by him for the year shall exceed the
sum of three thousand dollars, shall yearly
pay over to the treasurer the amount of such
excess by him received, subject to such dispo-
sition thereof as the legislature may deem just
and equitable. And any such officer failing
to comply with the said requisition, shall be
deemed to have vacated his office, and be sub- |