Tendering thanks of convention to
To request the President of the United
States and the military command-
ants to assess rebel sympathizers
to pay damage sustained by loyal
citizens in the late raid............. 800
That secretary of convention furnish
list of absentees.......................... 872
That the reporters of the press be re-
quested to have published the list
of absentees............................... 872
That the librarian contract for bind-
ing journals of debates and proceedings.....951
To appoint an assistant secretary...... 992
To ascertain number of recruits from
this State in the service of the
United States............................. 1418
To allow assistant secretary extra pay 1520
To hold three sessions of convention
daily....................................... 1623
To pay State librarian $200 for purchasing stationary...1647
Providing for recalling of the conven-
tion......................................... 1603
To pay chaplains to convention........ 1682
To forward journals of debates to
members of the convention ......... 1682
To inquire into the expediency of au-
thorizing the appointment of special
judges ..................................... 1691
To have copies of the constitution filed
with the executive, court of appeals,
comptroller and librarian............ 1696
That committee on account? regulate
the mileage of members of conven-
tion ......................................... 1776
To pay Collins Tatman $100 extra... 1781
To purchase bound copies of the con-
stitution.................................. 1782
To append to the report of debates a
copy of the official vote on the call-
ing of the convention.................. 1783
That the president of the convention
be authorized to pay all bills for re-
porting and printing.................... 1648
Requesting governor to issue pardons
to all persons confined for violating
the slave code............................ 1828
To pay John McGarigle $100 extra... 1828
To pay $200 additional to Daniel M.
Moore for indexing journal of de-
bates and proceedings................. 1828
Appointed chaplain to convention.... 70
Order for appointment of............... 28
Duties of..................................... 78
Order offered to appoint an additional 92
allegiance.) |
Appointed chief page..,,,,..,, ,,,, 92
PARKER, EDWIN L„ of Baltimore city
Appointed on committee on accounts 37
PARRAN, WILLIAM A., of Charles
Appointed on committee on executive
department................................ 37
Appointedchaplain....................... 70
Qualification of, presented .............. 91
Order offered by Mr, Hebb for com-
mittee on accounts to adjust the,... 69
Beport of the committee fixing the,
adopted................................... 7]
Rpsolution by Mr. Purnell to deduct
the, of all officers and members du-
ring their absence, except for sick-
ness ......................................... 106
Order offered by Mr. Schley that the,
cease after the 27th of June......... 148
Remarks on order of Mr. Schley, by
Messrs, Barron, Dennis and Thrus-
ton..................................... 148
Order offered by Mr. Hebb, that the,
Remarks on Mr. Hebb's order by
Messrs. Barron, Clarke, Hebb, Mil-
lerand Wickard............ 365, 366, 367
Made by Messrs.
Abbott....................................... 536
Belt....................................... 149
Berry...................................... 537
Barron....................................... 1757
Chambers....... 27, 1720, 1721, 1723, 1724
Clarke ,,, ..... 744, 764
Davis, of Charles......................... 1756
Duvall ,,- , ................ 1030
Lansdale..................................... IOSO
Miller., ,...,,,,,, .................. 744
Peter...................................... 1030
Purnell - . , ,,,,.... 1794
Ridgely ., ....... , ............... 1520
Valliant...... ,. 1721, 1724
PETER, GEfOROB, of Montgomery
Appointed on committee on militia
and military affairs.................. 37
Remarks on—
Adjournment................................ 350
Bribery and interference at primary
meetings ................................ '.. 1383
Basis of representation... 1071,1072, 1074
Court of appeals, election of jndgee... 1429
Circuit courts, judicial districts and
election of judges............... 1553, 1559
Salaries of judges of circuit courts.... 1561
Clerkeof circuit courts................... 1560
Couftty commissioners.................... 1163
Conilitition, vote on the, test oath.... 1727
Constitution, vote on the, by ioldiers 1760 |