To appoint standing committee OB
appointment, tenure of office, du-
ties, compensation, &c., of all civil
officers not embraced in other com-
mittees....................... 33
To remove convention to Baltimore
city......................................... 34
To purchase iron safe for preservation
of documents of convention.......... 36
To furnish each member of conven-
tion with a copy of the American
constitutions............................ 36
To print list of standing committees
for use of members of convention... 37
To appoint standing committee on
That the president of convention
shall have the United States flag
displayed from the dome during
the sittings of the convention....... 39
That the chaplains appointed to this
convention shall take same oath as
the members thereof................... 39
That the comptroller furnish amounts
paid by the State for special coun-
sel, also for special judges............ 39
That the committee of the city coun-
cil of Baltimore be invited to seats
To appoint additional members on
the committee on the judiciary. 51, 70
To appoint committee to consider
and report on all matters not pro-
vided for in the duties of other
committees............................... 53
That all subjects connected with
emancipation be referred to the
committee on the declaration of
To designate S. C. Gorrell as special
clerk to the committee on accounts 55
To ascertain the number of tax-pay-
ers in each county and the city of
Baltimore............................... 57
To invite the congressional war com-
mittee to visit the convention....... 58
That the librarian famish copies of
the rules of the house of delegates.. 62
Relating to disqualification of minis-
ters of the gospel to hold seats as
members of the general assembly... 65
That the committee on rights, duties,
divisions and subdivisions of coun-
ties inquire into the expediency of
dividing the several counties into
wards or townships.................... 65
To furnish newspapers for use of the
members of the convention......... 67
That committee on executive depart-
ment inquire into the expediency of
creating the office of lieutenantt
governor ................................. 69
That committee oa judiciary inquire
into the expediency of .changing
the sixth judicial circuit ...........69 |
That committee on accounts fix per
diem and mileage of officers of con-
That committee on judiciary inquire
bow far this convention is limited
in its powers .......................... 69
That Beverends Davenport, Patterson,
Owen and McNemar be reque»ted
to alternate in opening the sesliona
of convention with prayer........... 70
To pay Alfred Miller per diem and
mileage as page to the convention. 70
That committee on elective franchise
inquire into the expediency of al-
lowing soldiers, drafted and enlisted
men, the right of suffrage........... 70
That committee on judieiary inquire
into the expediency of giving or-
phans' courts jurisdiction over real
estate of parties dying intestate, not
exceeding $3,000........................ 70
That committee on jndiciary inquire
into the propriety of holding spe-
cial elections for justices of the
peace and conatables.................. 71
That committea on legislative dapart-
ment inquire into the expediency of
disposing of the incorporate etocka
held by the State,....................... 70
That committee on jndiciary inquire
into the expediency of changing the
office of ju»ti«e of the peace......... 70
To appoint a revising clerk............. 71
That pt^ident of convention use all
power to secure the attendance of
That president of convention appoint
additional meml)ers on certain com-
mittees.................................... 73
That comn-ittee on tenure, duties and
compensation of civil officers, in-
quire into the expediency of abol-
ishing the office of commissioner of
public works............................. 74
That committee on lagialative depart-
ment inquire into the expediency of
creating the office of treasurertn the
several counties.......................... 83
To furnish each member of conven-
tion with folded copies of journal of
debates and proceedings............... 83
That committee on tenure of office,
&c., inquire into the expediency of
retaining in office all persons during
the term for which they have been
elected prior to the adoption of thi»
To appoint an additional page......... 84
That committee on accounts examine
and eettle all bills incurred in fitting
tip the hall for nse at the conven-
.tioB................................... 106
Iliat treMurer pay Thornaa J. Cork-
ran for setvicegaapage......... 166, 12T |