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Proceedings and Debates of the 1864 Constitutional Convention
Volume 102, Volume 1, Debates 1941   View pdf image (33K)
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Remarks of, on
Election of attorney general............ 1458
Salaries of State's attorneys... 1468, 1469
Vacancies in office of State's attor-
neys......................................... 1473
Interest and usury laws, 1476, 1477, 1489
1491, 1492, 1499, 1501, 1503, 1821.
Basis of representation... 1655, 1657, 1667
Counties and townships................. 1694
Engrossmentandrevision,1788,1789, 1790
Sale of State's interest in public works 973
Distributing journal of debates........ 1773
Election and eligibility of judges.... 1433
1434, 1510, 1511,1516, 1516, 1516, 1525
Taking of testimony, 1396, 1399,1400, 1401
Admitting to practice of law.......... 1423
Election and eligibility of registers of
wills.............................. 1575, 1576
The number and jurisdiction of the
courts of Baltimore city, 1612, 1613, 1614
Salaries of judges of courts of Balti-
more city................................. 1618
Salaries of clerks of courts of Balti-
timore city............................... 1624
Justices of the peace and constables, 1628
1629, 1632,1634, 1635.
Election of sheriffs........................ 1641
Circuit courts, judicial districts and
the election of judges......... 1419, 1537
Salaries of judges of circuit courts, 1561
Militia........................................ 1680
Extra mileage to members of the con-
vention, 1776, 1840, 1842, 1850, 1868
Per diem of president of the conven-
tion ..................... 1839, 1840
Fees of officers............. 1096, 1697, 1702
Common law............................... 1704
Vote on the constitution, test oath.... 1751
Soldiers' vote on the constitution, 1807
DAVIS, JOSEPH F., of Washington Co.
Appointed on committee on elections, 37
Appointed on committee to report re-
specting appointments, &c., of all
civil officers not embraced In the
duties of other committees............ 53
Order offered by, to inquire into the
expediency of reducing the number
of members of the legislature, and
in regard to annual or biennial
sessions................................... 58
Order offered by, to inquire into the
expediency of creating the office of
treasurer in the several counties 83
Remarks of, on
Commissioners of public works........ 1084
Sale of State's interest in public works 1084
Constables and road supervisors, 1168, 1171
Beports of committee on elections.... 1200
Remarks of, on
Superintendent of public instruc-
tion................................. 1212, 1213
Painting constitution..................... 1782
Distributing journal of debates, 1683, 1773
Election and eligibility ofjndges...... 1391
Salary of judges of the court of ap-
peals............ , , ,..., 1435
Election and eligibility of judges of
the court of appeals ,, ,,.,,, 1570
Militia......................................... 1679
Personal explanation of.................. 1756
Remarks of, on
Declaration of rights........ 198,200, 362
Legislative department, 806, 812,813, 914
Vacancies inoffice........................ 812
Compensation for slaves emancipated, 914
Marriage laws.............................. 996
Report of committee on elections...... 1200
Superintendent of public instruction, 1213
1217, 1218.
Free colored schools...................... 1256 *
Electivefranchise.......... 1268,1270, 1271
Election, &c., of lieutenant governor 1320
Oath of office................................ 1350
Countiesand townships................ 1695
Revision ofthe constitution............ 1790
Operation of the constitution.......... 1875
Printing of the constitution............ 1827
Vote on the adoption of the constitu-
tion..................... 1773,1774, 1775
Limitation of debate . ............ 1029
Extra mileage to members............. 1868
Feesofoffice. .......1771
Vote on the constitution, test oath... 1742
Vote of soldiers on the constitution 1759
Thanks of the convention rendered to 800
Report of committee on rules of....... 75
DEBATE, limitation of,
Remarks on, by
Mr. Scott................293, 295, 296 646
Mr. Abbott......293, 295, 297, 299, 747
Mr. Berry, ofPrince George's, 293, 1027
1028, 1029, 1059.
Mr. Marbury...... ,..,,.., ...... 293
Mr. Clarke..........294, 297, 299, 748
Mr. Goldsborough..-293, 294, 295, 298
Mr. Sands, 294,298,299,1028,1029,1060
Mr. Berry, of Baltimore county..... 295
Mr. Negley................... 296,297, 299
Mr. Dennis.........................296, 300
Mr. Belt ,......,,..297, 748
Mr. Stirling........................298, 440

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1864 Constitutional Convention
Volume 102, Volume 1, Debates 1941   View pdf image (33K)
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