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Proceedings and Debates of the 1864 Constitutional Convention
Volume 102, Volume 1, Debates 1938   View pdf image (33K)
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Remarks upon, by
Purnell ....... 1167, 1168
Pugh 1171,1173
Sands.......1167, 1168, 1169, 1171, 1172
Scott.................1166, 1187, 1173 1174
Schley ..............................1172, 1173
Stirling.....................1167, 1169, 1172
Stockbridge ........................... 1171
Appointment on such provisions and
ordinances as may be desirable to
carry into effect amendments to the
constitution............................. 37
Report of committee...................... 1603
Appointment of committee on future
amendments to.......................... 37
Report of committee...................... 212
Amendments to the, remarks upon by
Chambers..1081, 1082, 1831, 1832, 1833
Clarke........................387, 389, 390
Cushing.................................. 1083
Daniel..........................389, 391, 1082
Earle ........................1831, 1832, 1833
Jones, of Somerset................... 388
Miller....................... 1081, 1082
McComas.................................. 1081
Stirling................390, 391, 1081, 1832
Todd ............................387, 390
Order to have copies of constitution
filed with court of appeals, execu-
tive, comptroller and librarian, re-
marks upon by
Ridgely ...............................1696, 1783
Stirling...................................... 1783
Order to purchase bound copies of... 1782
Remarks upon by
Audoun....................1837, 1838
Barron.................................. 1782
Berry, of Baltimore county............. 1830
Greene.........1782, 1830, 1831, 1837, 1838
Schley...................................... 1783
Stirling...................................... 1783
Stockbridge................................. 1838
Thomas........................1782, 1783, 1838
Valliant....1829, 1830, 1831, 1837, 1838
Wickard.................................... 1837
Printing and publication of the—re-
marks upon by
Briscoe..................... 1648
Cushing...................................... 1828
Davis, of Charles....................... 1827
Davis, of Washington.................... 1872
Jones, of Somerset......................... 1836
Miller................ 1871
Negley....... 1826,1836,1870, 1871, 1872
Pugh.................................. 1648, 1872
Ridgely.............................. 1648, 1826
Schley..................... 1828, 1836, 1870
Sneary...................................... 1827
Stockbridge, 1624, 1648, 1827, 1836, 1871
Todd.......................................... 1648
Valliant .... 1624 1649
Wickard............. 1648, 1649, 1826, 1827
Remarks upon the operation of the, by
Davis, of Charles .......................... 1875
Vote on the adoption of the—remarks
upon by
Chambers.,,...................... 1858, 1859
Davis, of Charles......................... 1835
Earle . 1857, 1858, 1860
Ecker......................................... 1858
Greene...................................... 1858
Hebb ,, ............. 1833, 1859
Henkle....................................... 1865
Negley...................................... 1859
Pugh.... ,, , ...... 1859
Purnell....................................... 1859
Ridgely............................. 1833, 1858
Schley...................................... 1859
Stirling....................................... 1860
Stockbridge................................. 1858
Remarks upon taking final vote on
the adoption of the constitution by
the convention, by
Chambers.................................... 1874
Dent........................................ 1873
Jones, of Somerset........................ 183
Mitchell.................................. 1874
Pugh.......................................... 1874
Powers of the general assembly to
Remarks upon-by
Chambers.................................... 866
Stirling....... ,,.,,...,,................ 865
Stockbridge................................. 866
Appointed on committee on such pro-
visions and ordinances as may be
desirable to carry into effect the
amendments to the constitution.... 37
Appointment of committee on rights,
duties, divisions and subdivisions
Report of committee on.................. 1080
Remarks UDon by
Abbott..'.... , ............. 1188 1694
Barron........................................ 1695
Bond........,,, .............. 1187
Chambers............................. 1694 1695
Clarke................ 1186, 1187, 1191, 1192
Daniel.................................. 1694
Davis, of Charles.......................... 1695
Duvall........................................ 1185
Goldsborough.............................. 1190
Hebb................... 1188,1190, 1191 1693
King..........1187, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1191
Ridgely............................ 1692, 1693
Sands......... 1185,1187,1189, 1190, 1191
Scott..................................,,..... 1192
Schley................................ 1188, 1191
Stirling...... 1188,1190, 1191, 1692, 1693
Stockbridge......... 1191, 1192, 1693, 1695
Valliant.................................... 1192
Order that committee on, inquire into
the expediency of dividing the
counties into wards or townships, 65

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1864 Constitutional Convention
Volume 102, Volume 1, Debates 1938   View pdf image (33K)
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