Remarks upon, by
McComas.................................... 1800
Miller... 392, 1576, 1577,1586, 1796, 1798
Negley... 1582, 1584, 1595, 1600, 1601
1799, 1800.
Pugh, 1576, 1577, 1584, 1585, 1586, 1593
Purnell, 1576, 1579, 1580, 1585, 1591, 1598
1599, 1800.
Ridgely, 1577, 1592, 1593, 1557, 1599
1605, 1797, 1800.
Sands, 1593, 1507, 1598, 1599, 1601, 1602
Schley............... 1576,1577,1593, 1601
Scott......................................... 1799
Stockbridge......... 1577, 1579, 1589, 1591
Stirling, 391, 392, 1576, 1577, 1583, 1587
Todd, 391, 1576, 1577, 1581, 1597, 1800
Valliant....................... 393, 1600, 1602
Report of committee on................. 1329
Attorney General, election of, re-
marks upon by
Chambers....................1788, 1789
Daniel......................................... 4581
Earle.................................. 1787, 1788
Hebb........................................... 1459
Smith.of Carroll......... 1459
Thruston.................................... 1458
Remarks on salary of, by
Abbott............................... 1462, 1463
Audoun.................................... 1459
Briscoe....................................... 1460
Bond....................................... 1460
Chambers.............. 1462
Ecker......................................... 1463
Edelen....................... 1460,1461, 1462
Jones, of Somerset......................... 1460
King...................... 1460
Mayhugh................. 1460
Miller.................... 1460
Negley ............. 1460
Stirling....................................... 1460
Stockbridge........................ 1461, 1462
Remarks upon duties of, by
King........................................... 1464
Miller.......................................... 1464
Smith, of Carroll........................... 1464
Remarks upon eligibility of, by
Chambers............................ 1465, 1466
Schley................................ 1465, 1466
Smith, ofCarroll........................... 1465
Stirling............................. 1465, 1466
Stockbridge.................. 1465, 1466
Remarks upon vacancy in office of, by
Chambers................................... 1467
Miller...................................... 1466
Smith, of Carroll......................... 1467
Stockbridge................................. 1466
State's Attorneys, remarks upon elec-
tion of, by
Miller......................................... 1468
Smith, ofCarroll.......................... 1468
75 |
STATE'S ATTORNEYS — Bemarks upon
election of, by
Thomas.................................... 1468
Bemarks uponsalalies of, by
Audoun....................................... 1478
Berry, of Prince George's............... 1468
Clarke......................................... 1468
Daaniel..................... 1468, 1469, 1471
Hebb......................................... 1471
Mayhugh..................................... 1468
Miller...................... 1469, 1470, 1471
Parran....................................... 1471
Purnell.............................. 1469, 1470
Smith, ofCarroll........................... 1468
Stirling...................... 1469, 1470, 1471
Sands..., ,.,,... ,, ..,,...,,, ... 1409, 1470
Thomas.............................. 1468, 1471
Vacancies in office of, remarks on by
Chambers ...... ,.,, 1472,1473,1744
Clarke............................. 1472,1473
Daniel, , ,, , .................... 1473
Smith, of Carroll......... 1472, 1473, 1474
Stirling .................... 1472, 1473, 1474
Stockbridge.............. , 1474
Thomas.............................. 1473,1474
Appointed on committee, on report-
ing and printing........................ 37
Offered order that the chaplains to the
convention take the oath of alle-
giance................................. 39
Offered order that the committee on
elective franchise inquire into expe-
diency of disfranchising persons in
rebellion against the United States. 131
Offered order that committee on judi-
ciary inquire into the expediency of
authorizing the orphans' courts to
ratify and confirm certain sales.... 713
Offered order that the committee on
judiciary inquire into the expedien-
cy of authorizing orphans' courts
to grant certain powers to execu-
tors and administrators............. 746
Remarks upon adjournment.... 1811, 1875
Appointment of assistant secretary. . 1520
Apprenticeship of colored minors...... 1601
Attorney general, salary of............. 1459
Basis of representation................... 1040
Clerks of circuit courts................... 1564
Compensation for slaves emancipated. 1870
Constitution, printing of....... 1837, 1838
Declaration of rights............... 414, 742
Elective franchise.......................... 1279
Emancipation of slaves.................. 742
Ineligibility of certain members of
convention........................,,,,,, 1193
Judges, election, qualification and
tenure ofoffice of...... 1437, 1439, 1510,
1511, 1515, 1533, 1558, 1559.
Justices of the peace and constables,
election or appointmentof............ 1627
1628,1629,1630, 1631.
Legislative department... 1019, 1021, 1023
Limitation of debate.................,,,, 300 |