the several counties shall remain the same
until changed by law.
The committee recommend that this section
be modified to read a? follows :
Sec. 5. The county commissioners shall be
elected, on general ticket, by the qualified
voters of the several counties in this State;
an election for county commissioners shall be
held on the Tuesday next after the firs; Monday
in the month of November, 1865, and as nearly
one half as may be of said commissioners shall
hold their office for two years, and the other
half for four years; at the first meeting after
their election and qualification or as soon
thereafter as practicable the said commission-
ers shall determine by lot, which of their
number shall hold office for two and four
years respectively; and thereafter there shall
be elected as aforesaid, at each general elec-
tion tor county officers, county commissioners
for four years to fill the places of those whose
term has expired. The said commissioners
shall exercise such powers and perform such
duties, which shall be similar throughout the
State, as are now or may hereafter be pre-
scribed by law. Their number in each
county, and their compensation, their powers
and duties, may at any time hereafter be
changed and regulated by the general assembly.
The committee recommend that the seventh
section of this article, which was the sixth
as adopted in convention, be remodeled as
hereinafter proposed. This section at the
time of its being referred to the committee
read thus:
"Sec. 7. The qualified voters of each
county and the city of Baltimore shall, on
Tuesday next after the first Monday of No-
vember, in the year eighteen hundred and
sixty-five, and every two years thereafter,
elect a surveyor for the counties and city of
Baltimore respectively, whose duties and
compensation shall be the same as are now
prescribed by law for the county and city
surveyors respectively, or as may hereafter
be prescribed by law. The term of office of
said county and city surveyors respectively
shall commence on the first Monday of Jan-
uary next succeeding their election. And
vacancies in said office of surveyors by
death, resignation or removal from their re-
spective counties or city shall he filled by the
commissioners of the counties, or by the
mayor and city council of Baltimore respec-
tively, for the residue of the term thus made
This section, according to the proposed
amendments of the committee, will read
Sec. 7. The qualified voters of each county
and of the city of Baltimore shall, on the
Tuesday next after the first Monday in the
month of November, in the year eighteen
hundred and sixty-five, and every two years
thereafter, elect a surveyor for the counties |
and the city of Baltimore respectively, whose
term of office shall commence on the first
Monday of January next ensuing their elec-
tion, and whose duties and compensation
shall be the same as are now or may hereafter
be prescribed by law. Any vacancy in the
office of surveyor shall be filled by the com-
missioners of the counties, or by the mayor
and city council of Baltimore respectively,
for the residue of the term.
In the eighth section of this article the
committee recommend the following amend-
ments ;
Insert the word "the" before the word
"Tuesday" in the first line. Strikeout the
word "prescribed" after the word "now" in
the fifth line. Also the words "by death,
resignation or removal from the county," in
the eighth line, and the words "thus made
vacant' ' in the tenth line.
This closes the report of the committee on
the article "sundry officers."
All the recommendations of the committee
of revision relating to the article on "sundry
officers" were concurred in by the convention.
On motion of Mr. CHAMBERS,
The convention took a recess until half
past 3 o'clock, P. M.
The convention reassembled at half past 3
o'clock, P. M.
The roll was called, and the following mem-
bers answered lo their names:
Messrs. Goldsborough, President; Abbott,
Annan, Audoun, Baker, Berry, of Baltimore
county, Bond, Brooks, Brown, Carter, Craw-
ford, Cunningham, Cushing, Dail, Daniel,
Davis, of Charles, Dellinger, Dent, Duvall,
Earle, Ecker, Farrow, Galloway, Greene,
Hatch, Hebb, Hoffman, Hollyday, Horsey,
Jones, of Cecil, Jones, of Somerset, Keefer,
Kennard, Lansdale, Larsh, Lee, Markey, May-
hugh, Mitchell, Morgan, Mullikin, Murray,
Negley, Parker, Parran, Purnell, Ridgely,
Russell, Schley, Schlosser, Scott, Smith, of
Dorchester, Sneary, Stirling, Stockbridge,
Swope, Todd, Turner, Valliant, Wickard,
Wilmer, Wooden—62,
On motion of Mr. WICKARD,
It was ordered to be noted upon the journal
that Dr. Hopkins left his seat in the hall on
Wednesday afternoon on account of his
wife's illness, and has been detained since on
account of his own.
Mr. DAVIS, of Charles, submitted the fol-
lowing resolution:
Resolved, That it is the sense of this con-
vention, that all constitution framed by con- |