the call for the previous question, the result
was—yeas 40, nays 16—as follows ;
Yeas—Messrs. Goldsborough, President ;
Abbott, Annan, Audoun, Baker, Barron,
Brooks, Carter, Cunningham, Cushing, Dan-
iel, Davis, of Washington, Dellinger, Ecker,
Farrow, Galloway, Greene, Hatch, Hebb,
Jones, of Cecil, Kennard, McComas, Mullikin,
Nyman, Parker, Purnell, Russell, Sands,
Schley, Schlosser, Scott, Smith, of Worcester,
Sneary, Stirling, Swope, Sykes, Todd, Val-
liant, Wickard, Wooden—40.
Nays—Messrs. Belt, Briscoe, Clarke, Craw-
ford, Dent, Duvall, Horsey, Lansdale, Mar-
bury, Miller, Morgan, Negley, Parran, Ridge-
ly, Stockbridge, Thomas—16,
When their names were called,
Mr. CLARKE said: I regard the pending
section as the most important proposition
which has been before the convention from
its first organization until the present time ;
and I do hope that this convention upon the
mere consideration of this section this evening,
without giving opportunity to gentlemen to
define their views upon it, will not press it to a
decisive vote to-night by the call of the previous
question. It is a question which affects not
merely the political rights of parties, but lays
the foundation of the fundamental principles
of government and the fundamental principles
of the social compact. I shall vote against the
previous question; and if it is sustained I
shall regard it as an indication of an inten-
tion on the part of this house which violates
in my humble judgment, without even giving
a chance for discussion and placing them pro-
perly before the people, their rights under the
constitution of the State. I vote " no."
Mr. NEGLEY said: Having myself bad an
opportunity to speak upon this question, com-
mon decency and justice require that I should
not vole lo prohibit any other member from
exercising a like privilege. I vote "no,"
Mr. SANDS said; I do not agree with the
gentleman from Washington (Mr. Negley,)
that because I have spoken I cannot join the
majority of the house in sustaining the pre-
vious question, it has been argued on both
sides about equally; and I therefore vote
" aye. "
The call for the previous question was ac-
cordingly sustained.
The question being first upon the amend-
ment submilted by Mr. BRISCOE to the sec-
Mr. BRISCOE demanded the yeas and nays,
and they were ordered.
The question being taken, the result was—
yeas 12, nays 48—las follows: '
Yeas— Messrs. Belt, Briscoe, Clarke, Craw-
ford, Dent, Duvall, Horsey, Lansdale, Mar-
bury, Miller, Morgan, Parran—12.
Nays—Messrs. Goldsborough, President;
Abbott, Annan, Audoun, Baker, Barron,
Brooks, Carter, Cunningham, Cushing, Dan-
iel, Davis, of Washington, Dellinger, .Earle, |
Ecker, Farrow, Galloway, Greene, Hatch,
Hebb, Jones, of Cecil, Kennard, King Mc-
Comas, Mullikin, Murray, Negley, Nyman
Parker, Purnell, Ridgely, Russell, Sands'
Schley, Schlosser, Scott, Smith, of Carroll
Smith, of Worcester, Sneary, Stirling, Stock-
bridge, Swope, Sykes, Thomas, Todd Val-
liant, Wickard, Wooden—48.
When his name was called,
Mr. ABBOTT said: This question having
already been decided by the people once, I do
not feel disposed to insult them with it again'
and I therefore vote." no."
The amendment was accordingly rejected.
Mr. DANIEL moved that the convention ad-
The motion was rejected.
Mr. DUVALL demanded the yeas and nays
upon the section, and they were ordered,
The question being taken, the result was—
yeas 47, nays 12—as follows:
Yeas—Messrs. Goldsborough, President •
Abbott, Annan, Audoun, Baker, Barron
Brooks, Carter, Cunningham, Cushing, Dan-
iel, Davis, of Washington, Dellinger Ecker
Farrow, Galloway, Greene, Hatch, Hebb
Jones, of Cecil, Kennard, King, McComas
Mullikin, Murray, Negley, Nyman, Parker,
Purnell, Ridgely, Russell, Sands, Schley,
Schlosser, Scott, Smith, of Carroll, Smith, of
Worcester, Sneary, Stirling, Stockbridge,
Swope, Sykes, Thomas, Todd, Valliant,
Wickard, Wooden—47.
Nays—Messrs. Belt, Briscoe, Clarke, Craw-
ford, Dent, Duvall, Horsey, Lansdale, Mar-
bury, Miller, Morgan, Parran—12.
When his name was called,
Mr. DUVALL said: Believing as I do that
the requirements of this section are without
authority, dangerous and wrong violating
every principle of right and justice, and a
blow aimed at the liberties of the people 1
vote "no."
The section was accordingly adopted.
On motion of Mr. PURNELL,
The convention adjourned.
THURSDAY, September 1,1864.
The convention met at 9 1/2 o'clock, A. M.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. McNemar.
The roll was called, and the following mem-
bers answered to their names :
Messrs. Goldsborough, President; Abbott,
Annan, Baker, Barron, Belt, Blackiston, Bris-
coe, Brooks, Brown, Carter, Chambers, Clarke,
Crawford, Cunningham, Cushing, Dail Dan-
iel, Davis, of Washington, Dellinger, Dent
Duvall, Earle, Ecker, Galloway, Greene, Hatch
Hebb, Henkle, Hodson, Hollyday, Horsey
Johnson, Jones, of Cecil, Kennard, King
Lansdale, Lee, Marbury, Markey, McComas
Miller, Morgan, Mullikin, Murray, Nyman
Parran, Pugh, Purnell, Ridgely, Russell |