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Proceedings and Debates of the 1864 Constitutional Convention
Volume 102, Volume 1, Debates 132   View pdf image (33K)
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Davis of Washington, Delinger, Dennis,
Earle, Ecker, Edelen, Galloway, Greene, Har-
wood, Hatch, Hebb, Hoffman, Hollyday, Hop-
kins, Hopper, Johnson, Jones of Somerset,
Keefer, King. Larsh, Lee, Marbury, Markey,
McComas Mitchell, Miller, Mullikin, Murray,
Negley, Noble, Nyman, Parker, Parran, Pe-
ter, Pugh, Purnell, Robinette, Russell, Sands,
Schley, Schlosser, Smith of Carroll, Smith of
Dorchester, Smith of Worcester, Sneary,
Stockbridge, Swop?, Sykes, Todd, Valliant,
Wickard, Wilmer, Wooden—74.
The proceedings of Saturday were read and
On motion of Mr. ABBOTT,
Ordered, That it be entered on the journal
that the amendment offered by Mr. Abbott to
the order of Mr. Clarke on page 85, (in rela-
tion to free negroes and mulattoes,) after the
words "Southern States," was offered by Mr.
Clarke, the mover of the original order, as an
amendment to Mr, Abbott's amendment, and
was accepted by him under the impression
that it only referred to traitors and copper-
heads north of Mason's and Dixon's line.
in accordance with an order adopted on
Saturday last, the President made the follow-
ing apportionment of the Committee Clerks :
Wm. R. McCulley—Committee on Declara-
tion of Rights, Committee on Executive De-
partment, Committee on Basis of Representa-
tion, Committee on Legislative Department,
Committee on Elections—5.
Thomas Tipton—Committee on Judiciary
Department, Committee on States Attorneys.
Committee on Engrossment and Revision,
Committee on Education and the Encourage-
ment of Literature, Committee on the Ap-
pointment, Tenure of Office, Duties and Com-
pensation of all civil offices not embraced in
the duties of other Standing Committees—5.
George Johnson—Committee on Treasury
Department, Committee on Elective Franchise
and Qualification of Voters, Committee on
Militia and Military Affairs, Committee on
Rights, Duties, Divisions and Sub-Divisions
of Counties, Committee on such Provisions
and Ordinances as may be desirable to carry
into effect amendments to the Constitution—5.
Skipwith C. Gorrell—Committee on Ac-
counts, Committee on Reporting and Printing,
Committee to report future Amendments and
Revisions of the Constitution, Committee on
Usury Laws—4.
On motion of Mr. BELT,
Ordered, That the Committee upon the Ba-
sis of Representation be requested to inquire
into the expediency of embodying into the Con-
stitution a clause providing that the city of
Baltimore and the« several counties shall be
respectively divided into sub-divisions or
electoral districts equal to the number of del-
egates which each shall be entitled to elect to
the more numerous branch of the Legislature
and that said delegates shall be apportioned so
that one shall be elected from each of said
districts, by the qualified voters thereof, and
not by general ticket as now practiced.
On motion of Mr. TODD,
Ordered, That the Committee on the Legis-
lative Department be instructed to inquire into
the expediency of changing the time of hold-
ing general elections in this State, so that the
first election to be held after the adoption of
this Constitution may occur at the time of the
next Presidential election,
On motion of Mr, NEGLEY,
Ordered, That it may be entered on the
Journal that J. P. Mayhugh is absent from
his seat in this Convention on account of se-
vere indisposition, i
The Convention proceeded to the considera-
tion of the report from the. Committee on Re-
porting and Printing, submitted on Saturday
last, in relation to the official reporting of the
debates and proceedings.
Mr. DANIEL, submitted the following amend-
ment :
In the second line of the order, on page 88,
strike out the word "each" after the word
copy, and insert the same after the previous
word "assistant;" also strike out the word
" each," in the 4th line of the same order ;
Which was adopted.
The report and accompanying orders were
then concurred in.
The report of the same committee in rela-
tion to the Revising Clerk, and the index of
the Journal, Debates and Constitution, wag
also concurred in,
The Convention proceeded to the considera-
tion of the following preamble and resolu-
tions, submitted by Mr, Purnell on the 20th
WHEREAS, It is a matter of great importance
that there should be a prompt and faithful at-
tendance of the members and officers of this
Convention, for the performance of the duties
entrusted to them in their respective commit-
tees as well as during the sessions of this
body; therefore be it
Resolved, That hereafter no member or of-
ficer of this Convention shall receive any per
diem for such time as he may be absent from
the said Convention; and that the President
is hereby directed and required, in giving a
certificate of payment to such member or offi-
cer, to deduct from his account such time as
he may have been absent, unless occasioned
by actual indisposition, or some other una-
voidable circumstance.
Besolved, That for the purpose of ascer-
taining the time lost by the members and offi-
cers, the Secretary of this Convention be re-
quired to keep a weekly list, on which he
shall note the respective days when each of
said members or officers shall be absent, and
file the same weekly with the clerk of the
Committee on Accounts, who shall deduct the
same from the allowance of each member and
officer, so that, at the end of the session, the

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1864 Constitutional Convention
Volume 102, Volume 1, Debates 132   View pdf image (33K)
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