and she will have eighteen members of the
house of delegates, a sufficient vote to control
any election at any time. Now, I want to ask
the members from the counties if they are
willing to submit to the loss of their power
in the general assembly of the State, by giv-
ing to Baltimore city such a controlling in-
fluence as this section proposes? I hope gen-
tlemen will give this matter their serious
and earnest consideration, for by a concur-
rent vote of the two houses, each section of
the State will have an opportunity to be
The question was upon agreeing to the
Mr. BERRY, of Prince George's, called for
the yeas and nays upon this question, and
they were ordered.
The question was then taken, by yeas and
nays, and resulted—yeas 12, nays 46—as fol-
lows :
Yeas—Messrs. Berry, of Prince George's,
Bond, Brown, Clarke, Dail, Davis, of Charles,
Edelen, Hollyday, Lee, Mitchell, Miller, Tur-
Nays—Messrs. Abbott, Annan, Audoun,
Baker, Cunningham, Cushing, Daniel, Del-
linger, Earle, Ecker. Farrow, Greene, Hebb,
Hoffman, Hopkins, Hopper, Jones, of Cecil,
Keefer, Kennard, King, Larsh, Markey, May-
hugh, McComas, Mullikin, Murray, Nyman,
Parker, Pugh, Purnell, Ridgely, Robinette,
Russell, Schley, Scott, Smith, of Carroll,
Smith, of Worcester, Stirling, Stockbridge,
Swope, Sykes, Thomas, Todd, Valliant,
Wickard, Wooden—46,
The amendment was accordingly rejected,
Mr. EDELEN moved that the convention now
take a recess.
Mr. VALLIANT. I would like to move a
suspension of the rules, in order to afford the
gentleman from Howard (Mr. Sykes) an op-
portunity to renew his motion to adjourn to
to-morrow morning. Anumber of our mem-
bers have been excused from attendance
this evening. And as it is likely that the
next report which we will consider will be
the report on the elective franchise, they
would like to be present and hear the
whole of the discussion. And in order to
do that it is necessary to have no evening
The CHAIRMAN. The decision of the presi-
dent has been that a standing rule cannot be
rescinded without a day's notice being
Mr. VALLIANT, I do not propose to re-
scind the rule; merely to suspend it for to-
The question being taken on the motion
to suspend the rule requiring the holding of
an evening session to-day, it was not agreed to
The question was then taken upon the mo-
tion to take a recess, and, upon a division—
ayes 31, noes 25—it was agreed to.
The convention accordingly took a recess |
The Convention reassembled at 8 o'clock,
The roll was called, and the following mem-
bers answered to their names :
Messrs. Goldsborough, President; Abbott
Annan, Audoun, Berry, of Prince George's
Brown, Cunningham, Cushing, Dail, Daniel
Davis, of Washington, Earle, Ecker, Edelen
Farrow, Galloway, Green, Hebb, Hodson
Hollyday, Hopkins, Hopper, Keefer, Ken-
nard, King, Lee, Markey, McComas, Mitchell,
Miller, Mullikin, Murray, Pugh Purnell
Robinette, Russell, Sands, Scott, Smith of
Worcester, Stirling, Stockbridge, Swope,
Todd, Wickard, Wooden—15.
Not a quorum present.
Mr. FARROW moved a call of the conven-
tion, which was ordered.
The roll was called, and the following
members answered to their names :
Messrs. Goldsborough, President; Abbott,
Annan, Audoun, Berry, of Prince George's,
Brown, Cunningham, Cushing, Dail, Daniel,
Davis, of Washington, Dellinger, Earle,
Ecker, Edelen, Farrow, Galloway, Greene,
Hebb, Hodson, Hollyday, Hopkins, Hopper,
Keefer, Kennard, King, Lee, Markey, May-
hugh, McComas, Mitchell, Miller, Mullikin,
Murray, Nyman, Pugh, Parnell, Robinette,
Russell, Sands, Scott, Smith, of Worcester,
Stirling, Stockbridge, Swope, Wickard,
Not a quorum present.
On motion of Mr. FARROW,
The sergeant-at-arms was sent after absent
After some time,
Mr. BERRY, of Prince George's, moved that
further proceedings under the call be dis-
pensed with,
Mr. HEBB. Is that in order? We are
now under the charge of the sergeant-at
Mr. BERRY, of Prince George's. Certainly
not. The sergeant-at-arms is under our
charge, and we can do as we please.
Mr. KENNARD. We are controlled in this
matter by parliamentary practice. My expe-
rience has been that when there is a call of
the house, and the sergeant-at-arms is sent
after absent members, he locks the doors, and.
we cannot get out.
Mr, BERRY, of Prince George's. The doors
are locked by the door-keeper, who is in-
The PRESIDENT. The motion is in order,
The question being then taken upon dis-
pensing with further proceedings under the
call, it was not agreed to.
After some further time,
On motion of Mr. BERRY, of Prince
George's, upon & division—ayes 28, noes not
The Convention adjourned. |