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Proceedings and Debates of the 1864 Constitutional Convention
Volume 102, Volume 1, Debates 1236   View pdf image (33K)
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vide the means to carry that system into
On motion of Mr DELLINGER,
The convention adjourned.
WEDNESDAY, August 10,1864.
The convention met at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Prayer by the Rev.. Mr, McNemar.
The roll was called, and the following
members answered to their names :
Messrs. Goldsborough, President; Abbott,
Annan, Audoun, Baker, Berry, of Prince
George's, Bond, Brown, Cunningham, Cush-
ing, Dail, Daniel, Davis, of Charles, Dellin-
ger, Duvall, Earle, Ecker, Edelen, Farrow,
Gale, Galloway, Greene, Harwood, Hebb,
Hoffman, Hollyday, Hopkins, Hopper, Jones,
of Cecil, Keefer, Kennard, King, Larsh, Lee,
Markey, Mayhugh, McComas, Mitchell, Mil-
ler, Mullikin, Murray, Nyman, Parker, Pair-
ran, Pugh, Purnell, Ridgely, Robinette, Russell,
Sands, Schley, Scott, Smith, of Carroll,
Smith, of Worcester, Stirling, Stockbridge,
Swope, Sykes, Thomas, Todd, Turner, Val-
liant, Wickard, Wooden—64.
The proceedings of yesterday were read and
Mr. KING, in accordance with notice given
yesterday, submitted the following order ;
" Ordered, That the order passed July 21,
by which the convention determined to bold
evening sessions, be and the same is hereby
Mr. STOCKBRIDGE demanded the yeas and
nays) and they were ordered.
The question being taken, the result was—
yeas 29, nays 35—as follows :
Yeas—Messrs. Audoun, Berry, of Prince
George's, Bond, Brown, Cunningham, Dail,
Davis, of Charles, Duvall, Edelen, Gale, Har-
wood, Hollyday, Jones, of Cecil, ling, Larsh,
Lee, Markey, Mitchell, Miller, Parran, Ridge-
ly, Sands, Smith, of Worcester, Sykes,
Thomas, Todd, Turner, Valliant, Wick-
Nays—Messrs, Goldsborough, President;
Abbott, Annan, Baker, Cushing, Daniel,
Dellinger, Earle, Ecker. Farrow, Galloway,
Greene, Hebb, Hoffman, Hopkins, Hopper,
Keefer, Kennard, Mayhugh, McComas, Mulli-
kin, Murray, Nyman, Parker, Pugh, Purnell,
Robinette, Russell, Schley, Scott, Smith, of
Carroll, Stirling, Stockbridge, Swope, Wood-
The order was accordingly rejected.
On motion of Mr. MAYHUGH,
It was ordered to be entered on the journal
that Mr. Sneary is detained from his seat by
Mr. RIDGELY asked and obtained leave of ab-sence
from the evening sessions.
Mr. THOMAS. I ask to be excused from
attending night sessions; and I will give my
reason. I have been sick, and my physician
has given me positive orders not to be exposed
to the night air. I have had a relapse, and
could not attend night sessions; and that was
the reason I voted against them.
Leave of absence was accordingly granted.
Mr. DAVIS, of Charles. I am just recover-
ing from an attack of bilious fever, and am
unable to attend; and I ask to be excused
from attending evening sessions for a few
Leave of absence was accordingly granted,
Mr. TODD. I ask to beexcused during this
exceedingly hot weather, on account of bod-
ily feebleness.
Mr. DANIEL. I think there are a good many
who could put in the plea of feebleness. 1
frequently feel so myself. I do not think that
is a sufficient reason, now that the nights are
getting long and cool, unless there is some
danger of being out at night assigned 1
do not believe there is much more danger from
being here than elsewhere.
Mr. SANDS. My opinion is, that if we have
many more night sessions, we shall have very
few to attend our day sessions.
Mr SYKES. I ask to be excused for one
night only.
Air, WICKARD. I ask to be excused from
attending night sessions on account of indis-
position. [Laughter.]
The PRESIDENT. There are two ahead of
you already.
Mr. TODD. I am serious in this matter.—
Gentlemen seem to think I am joking: but
really staying here at night until eleven
o'clock, is more than I am able to bear,
Leave of absence was accordingly granted.
Mr. SYKES. I had made arrangements to
board in town, and am not prepared to sleep
here to-night. I ask to be excused for this
evening only.
Leave of absence was accordingly granted.
Mr. KING. I hope no person will be ex-
cused who voted for night sessions.
Mr, WICKARD. I ask to be excused on ac-
count of indisposition. I am not disposed to
attend these night sessions.
Leave of absence was refused.
Mr. DELLINGER moved to reconsider the
vote by which the convention refused to re-
scind the order to hold evening sessions.
The motion was seconded by Messrs, HOFF-
Mr. DANIEL. It seems to me that we are
playing like children. The house has just
come to a deliberate vote upon that by yeas
and nays, after having voted upon the same
order' four or five times before, and persisted
in maintaining night sessions. There are
gentlemen who may not be able to attend
those sessions. There are gentlemen who
have given good excuses why they should not
attend; and I am certainly willing to excuse
every gentleman who has a good reason why

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1864 Constitutional Convention
Volume 102, Volume 1, Debates 1236   View pdf image (33K)
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