Brown, Hoffman, Smith, of Wor.
Carter, Hopkins, Sneary,
Cunningham, McComas, Stockbridge,
Cushing, Mullikin, Sykes,
Daniel, Murray, Todd,
Dellinger, Nyman, Wooden—32.
So the preamble and resolutions were ordered to lie on the
, Mr. Daniel called up for consideration the Report of the
Committee on Rules, (page 46. )
Said Report was then taken up, read the third time and
concurred in, and the Rules as reported adopted as Rules for
the government of the Convention.
On motion of Mr. Cushing,
The Order of the Day, to wit: the Report submitted by
Mr. Stirling, from a majority of the Committee on the Bill of
Was then taken up for consideration on its second read-
Mr. Briscoe, submitted the following amendment:
Article 1. Insert after the word "times" in the 3rd line
the words, "in the mode prescribed in this Constitution; "
Pending the consideration thereof;
By general consent, Mr. Briscoe withdrew it. '
Mr. Jones, of Somerset, submitted the following amend-
Article 1. Add at the end thereof the following: "but this
right ought only to be exercised in the mode previously agreed
upon and prescribed by the people, whenever a mode of al-
teration or amendment of their form of government has been
previously agreed upon and prescribed by the people in their
written Constitution. "
Pending the consideration thereof,
The Convention adjourned.