of Office, Duties and Compensation of all Civil Offices not em-
braced in the*duties of other Standing Committees—5.
George, Johnson—Committee on Treasury Department,
Committee on Elective Franchise and Qualification of Voters,
Committee on Militia and Military Affairs, Committee on
Rights, Duties, Divisions and Sub-Divisions of Counties,
Committee on such Provisions and Ordinances as may be de-
sirable to carry into effect amendments to the Constitu-
Skipwith C. Gorrell—Committee on Accounts, Committee
on Reporting and Printing, Committee to report future Amend-
ments and Revisions of the Constitution, Committee on Usury
Mr. Belt submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee upon the Basis of Represen-
tation be requested to inquire into the the expediency of em-
bodying into the Constitution a clause providing that the city
of Baltimore and the several counties, shall be respectively di-
vided into sub-divisions or electoral districts equal to the num-
ber of delegates which each shall be entitled to elect to the
more numerous branch of the Legislature, and that said dele-
gates shall be apportioned so that one shall be elected from
each of said districts, by the qualified voters thereof, and not
by general ticket as now practiced;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Todd submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee on the Legislative Depart-
ment be instructed to inquire into the expediency of changing
the time of holding general elections in this State, so that the
first election to be held after the adoption of this Constitution
may occur at the time of the next Presidential election;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Negley submitted the following order:
Ordered, That it may be entered on the Journal, that J. P.
Mayhugh is absent from his seat in this Convention on account
of severe indisposition;
Which was adopted.
The Report from the Committee on Reporting and Printing,
submitted on Saturday last, was then called up;
Mr. Daniel submitted the following amendment:
In the second line of the order on page 86, strike out the