The question recurring upon the latter clause of the amend-
It was decided in the negative.
Mr. Audoun submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee on the Elective Franchise be
requested to inquire into the expediency of inserting the fol-
lowing article in the Constitution; That every person who
has in any manner aided in the present rebellion against the
Government of the United States, ought to be forever disqual-
ified and rendered incapable to hold or exercise within this
State any office of profit or trust, civil or military, or to vote
at any election hereafter to be held in this State;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Hatch submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the following be referred to the Legislative
Committee, "that the faith of the State shall never be pledged
for works of internal improvements or any other tax, except
what is necessary for the support of the Government or to
suppress insurrection or repel invasion. "
Which was adopted.
Mr. Thomas submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Comptroller be requested to furnish the
Convention with a statement of the amount of stock held and
owned by the State of Maryland in the several railroads and
other works of internal improvement, specifying the amount
held in each company or corporation, and what proportion of
said stock is represented by Directors, and also the amount of
interest due on said stock;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Todd submitted the following order:
Ordered, That J. W. Gormand be appointed a Committee
Clerk pro tempore.
On motion of Mr. Ecker,
The order was laid on the table.
Mr. Valliant, from the Committee on Reporting and Print-
ing, submitted the following report,
Which was read and ordered to be printed:
The Committee on Reporting and Printing, to whom was
referred the order to appoint a Stenographer to the Convention