Earle, Nyman, Valliant,
Ecker, Parker, Wickard,
Galloway, Pugh, Wooden—50.
So the question upon the adoption of the amendment was
decided in the negative.
Mr. Daniel moved to re-consider the vote on the forty-ninth
Decided in the negative.
The report was then ordered to be engrossed for a third
Mr. Stockbridge gave notice that he would on to-morrow
move a reconsideration of the vote by which the order author-
izing the Treasurer to pay a sum of money to Thomas Cork-
ran, was passed.
The second Order of the Day, the Report of the Commit-
tee on the Bill of Rights,
Was taken up,
Pending which,
The Convention adjourned.
SATURDAY, May 21st, 1864,
The Convention met.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Owen.
Present at the call of the roll the following members:
Messrs. Goldsborough, President, Abbott, Annan, Audoun,
Baker, Berry, of Prince George's, Billingsley, Blackiston,
Briscoe, Brown, Carter, Chambers, Clarke, Crawford, Cush-
ing, Daniel, Dellinger, Earle, Ecker, Edelen, Gale, Gallo-
way, Green, Hatch, Hebb, Hoffman, Hollyday, Hopkins,
Hopper, Jones, of Somerset, Keefer, King, Lee, Marbury,
Markey, Mayhugh, McComas, Miller, Morgan, Mullikin,
Murray, Negley, Nyman, Parker, Pugh, Purnell, Robinette,
Russell, Schley, Schlosser, Scott, Smith, of Carroll, Sneary,