thereafter, an election shall be held for those county officers,
whose term are about to expire; provided, however, the
Judges of the several Courts of this State, (except the Judges
of the Orphans' Courts, ) shall be elected at the regular elec-
tion, whether for State or county officers, as the case may be,
immediately preceding the expiration of the term of the in-
cumbent whose place is to be filled.
Sec. 8. For the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the
people of this State in regard to the adoption or rejection of
this Constitution, the Governor shall issue his proclamation,
within five days after the adjournment of this Convention,
directed to the Sheriff of the city of Baltimore, and to the
Sheriffs of the several counties of this State, commanding
them to give notice in the manner now prescribed by law,
that an election will be held in the city of Baltimore on the
twelfth day of October, in the year eighteen hundred and
sixty-four, and in the several counties of this State, on the
twelfth and thirteenth days of October in the same year, at
the usual places of holding elections in said city and counties,
for the adoption or rejection of this Constitution, which elec-
tion shall be held in the said city of Baltimore, on the twelfth
day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, between
the hours of eight o'clock, A. M., and five o'clock, P. M.,
and in the said several counties of this State, on the said
twelfth and thirteenth days of October, eighteen hundred and
sixty-four, between the hours of eight o'clock, A. M., and
five o'clock, P. M., and the Judges of election of said city
and of the several counties of the State, shall receive at said
election the votes only of such electors as are qualified accord-
ing to the provisions of this Constitution, who may offer to
vote at such election, and the said Sheriffs shall also give
notice, on or after the twelfth day of October, eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-four, for all elections provided for by this Con-
stitution, to be held during that year.
Sec. 9. At the said election the vote shall be by ballot, and
each ballot shall describe thereon the words "for the Consti-
tution, " or "against the Constitution, " as the voter may
elect, and it shall be conducted in all respects as the general
elections of this State are now conducted. The Judges of
election shall administer to every person offering to vote, the
oath or affirmation prescribed by this Constitution, and
should any person offering to vote refuse or decline to take
said oath, he shall not be permitted to vote at such election,
but the taking of such oath or affirmation, shall not be deemed
conclusive evidence of the right of such person to vote;
and it shall be the duty of the return Judges of said city,