Sec. 7. The qualified voters of each county and of the city
of Baltimore shall on the Tuesday next after the first Monday
in the month of November in the year eighteen hundred and
sixty-five, and every two years thereafter elect a Surveyor for
the counties and the city of Baltimore respectively, whose
term of office shall commence on the first Monday of January
next ensuing their election, and whose duties and compensa-
tion shall be the same as are now -or may hereafter be pre-
scribed by law. Any vacancy in the office of Surveyor shall
be filled by the Commissioners of the counties, or by the May-
or and City Council of Baltimore respectively, for the residue
of the term.
Sec. 8. The qualified voters of Worcester county shall on
the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of No-
vember, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and
every two years thereafter; elect a Wreck Master for said
county, whose duties and compensation shall be the same as
are now or may be hereafter prescribed by law; the term of
office of said Wreck Master shall commence on the first Mon-
day of January next succeeding his election, and a vacancy
in said office shall be filled by the County Commissioners of
said county for the residue of the term.
Sec. 9. The General Assembly may provide by law for the
election or appointment of such other officers as may be re-
quired and are not herein provided for, and prescribe their
tenure of office powers and duties.
SECTION 1. The Governor shall, within thirty days after the
ratification, by the people, of this Constitution, appoint, sub-
ject to the confirmation of the Senate, at its first session there-
after,, a State Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall
hold his office for four years, and until his successor shall
have been appointed and shall have qualified. He shall re-
ceive an annual salary of twenty-five hundred dollars, and
such additional sum for traveling and incidental expenses at
the General Assembly may by law allow; shall report to the
General Assembly within thirty days after the commence-
ment of its first session under this Constitution, a uniform
system of free public schools, and shall perform such other
duties pertaining to his office, as may from time to time be
prescribed by law.
Sec. 2. There shall be a State Board of Education, con-
sisting of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Speak-
er of the House of Delegates, and the State Superintendent of