in this State; they shall keep a journal of their proceedings,
and shall hold regular sessions in the city of Annapolis on
the first Wednesday of January, April, July and October in
each year, and oftener if necessary, at which sessions they
shall hear and determine such matters as affect the Public
Works of the State, and as the General Assembly may confer
upon them the power to decide.
Sec. 2. They shall exercise a diligent and faithful supervi-
sion of all Public Works in which the State maybe interested
as stockholder or creditor, and shall appoint the directors in
every railroad or canal company in which the State has the
legal power to appoint directors, which said directors shall
represent the State in all meetings of the stockholders of
every railroad or canal company in which the State is a stock-
holder; they shall require the directors of all said Public
Works, from time to time, and as often as there shall be
any change in the rates of toll on any of said works to furnish
said Board of Public Works a schedule of such modified rates
of toll, and shall use all legal powers which they may possess
to obtain the establishment of rates of toll, which may prevent
an injurious competition with, each other, to the detriment of
the interests of the State, and so to adjust them as to promote
the agricultural interest of the State; they shall report to the
General Assembly at each regular session, and recommend
such legislation as they shall deem necessary and requisite to
promote or protect the in terests of the State in the said Public
Works; they shall perform such other duties as may be
hereafter prescribed by law, and a majority of them shall be
competent to act. The Governor, Comptroller and Treasurer
shall receive no additional salary for services rendered by
them as members of the Board of Public Works.
Sec. 3. There shall be a Commissioner of the Land Office
elected by the qualified voters of the State, on the Tuesday
next after the first Monday in the month of November, in the
year eighteen hundred and seventy, and on the same day in
every sixth year thereafter, who shall hold his office for the
term of six years from the first Monday in January ensuing
his election; the returns of said election shall be made to the
Governor, and in the event of a tie between two or more can-
didates the Governor shall direct a new election to be held
by writs to the Sheriffs of the several counties and of the city
of Baltimore, who shall hold said election after at least twenty
clays notice, exclusive of the day of election; he shall per-
form such duties as are now required of the Commissioner of
the Land Office, or such as may hereafter be prescribed by
law, and shall also be the Keeper of the Chancery Records;
he shall receive a salary of two thousand dollars per annum,