said vacancy shall occur, for the residue of the term thus
made vacant.
SECTION 1. The Treasury Department of this State, shall
consist of a Comptroller and Treasurer.
Sec. 2. The Comptroller shall be chosen by the qualified
electors of the State at each regular election for members of
the General Assembly. He 'shall hold his office for two years,
commencing on the second Wednesday in January next ensu-
ing his election, and shall receive an annual salary of twenty-
five hundred dollars, but shall not be allowed, nor shall he
receive any fees, commissions or perquisites of any kind, in
addition thereto, for the performance of any official duty or
service. He shall keep his office at the seat of Government,
and shall take such oath, and enter into such bond for the
faithful performance of his duty, as are now, or may hereafter
be prescribed by law. A vacancy in the office of Comptroller
shall be filled by the Governor for the residue of the term.
The first election for Comptroller under this Constitution,
shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in
the month of November, in the year eighteen hundred and
sixty-four, but the Comptroller then elected shall not enter
upon the discharge of the duties of his office, until the expira-
tion of the term of the present incumbent, unless the said office
shall sooner become vacant.
Sec. 3. The Comptroller shall have the general superinten-
dance of the fiscal affairs of the State; he shall digest and pre-
pare plans for the improvement and management of the reve-
nue, and for the support of the public credit, prepare and
report estimates of the revenue and expenditure of the State,
superintend and enforce the collection of all taxes and revenue,
adjust, settle and preserve all public accounts, decide on the
forms of keeping and stating accounts, grant, under regula-
tions prescribed by law, all warrants for moneys to be paid
out of the Treasury, in pursuance of appropriations by law,
prescribe the formalities of the transfer of stock or other evi-
dences of the State debt, and countersign the same, without
which such evidences shall not be valid, he shall make full
reports of all his proceedings, and of the state of the Treasury
Department within ten days after the commencement of each
session of the General Assembly, and perform such other
duties as are now or may hereafter be prescribed by law.
Sec. 4. The Treasurer shall be elected on joint ballot, by
the two Houses of the General Assembly, at each regular ses-
sion thereof. He shall hold his office for two years, and shall