Court of said city and counties respectively; one of the said
Judges first elected shall hold his office for two years, one
for four years and the other for six years, and at the first
meeting after their election and qualification, or as soon
thereafter as practicable, they shall determine by lot, which
one of their number shall hold his office for two, four and
six years respectively, and thereafter there shall be elected as
aforesaid, at each general election for county officers, one
Judge to serve for the term of six years. No person shall be
elected Judge t>f the Orphans' Court unless he be at the time
of his election a citizen of the United States, and resident for
twelve months in the city or county for which he may be
elected, each of said Judges shall receive such compensation,
to be paid by the said counties and city respectively, as is
now or may hereafter be prescribed by the General As-
Sec. 44. In case of the death, resignation, removal, or
other disqualification of a Judge of an Orphans' Court, the
Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,
shall appoint a person duly qualified to fill said office for the
residue of the term thus made vacant.
Sec. 45. The Orphans' Courts shall have all the powers
now vested by law in the Orphans' Courts of this State, sub-
ject to such changes as the General Assembly may prescribe,
and shall have such other jurisdiction as may from time to
time be provided by law.
Sec. 46. There shall be a Register of Wills in each county
of the State, and in the city of Baltimore, to be elected by
the legal and qualified voters of said counties and city respec-
tively, who shall hold his office for six years from the time of
his election, and until his successor is elected and qualified;
he shall be re-eligible and subject at all times to removal for
willful neglect of duty or misdemeanor in office, in the same,
manner that the Clerks of Courts are removable. In the
event of any vacancy in the office of Register of Wills, said
vacancy shall be filled by the Judges of the Orphans' Court
in which such vacancy occurs, until the next general election
for county officers, when a Register shall be elected to serve
for six years thereafter.
Justices of the Peace.
Sec. 47. The Governor, by and with the advice and consent
of the Senate, shall appoint such number of Justices of the
Peace, and the County Commissioners of the several counties,
and the Mayor and City. Council of Baltimore, shall appoint