and any of the Judges of this State shall discharge, on habea
corpus, any person so detained in slavery.
Sec. 13. The Clerks of the several Courts created, or con-
tinued by this Constitution, shall have charge and custody of
the records and other papers, shall perform all the duties and
be allowed the fees which appertain to their several offices, as
the same now are, or may hereafter be regulated by law.
Sec. 14. All elections of Judges and other officers provided
for by this Constitution, State's Attorneys excepted, shall be
certified, and the returns made by the Clerks of the respective
counties to the Governor, who shall issue commissions to the
different persons for the offices to which they shall have been
respectively elected; and in all such elections, the person
having the greatest number of votes, shall be declared to be
Sec. 15. If in any case of election for Judges, Clerks of the
Courts of Law, and Registers of Wills, the opposing candi-
dates shall have an equal number of votes, it shall be the duty
of the Governor to order a new election; and in case of any
contested election, the Governor shall send the returns to the
House of Delegates, who shall judge of the election and quali-
fication of the candidates at such election.
Sec. 16. All public commissions and grants shall run thus:
"The State of Maryland, &c., " and shall be signed by the
Governor, with the seal of the State annexed; all writs and
process shall run in the same style, and be tested, sealed and
signed as usual; and all indictments shall conclude, ''against
the peace, government and dignity of the State. "
Court of Appeals.
Sec. 17. The Court of Appeals shall consist of a Chief
Justice and four Associate Justices, and for their selection the
State shall be divided into five Judicial Districts as follows,
viz: Worcester, Somerset, Dorchester, Talbot, Caroline,
Queen Anne, Kent an$ Cecil counties, shall compose the
first district; Harford und Baltimore counties, and the first
seven wards of Baltimore city, shall compose the second dis-
trict; Baltimore city except the first seven wards, shall com-
pose the third district; Allegany, Washington, Frederick,
Howard and Carroll counties, shall compose the fourth dis-
trict; St. Mary's, Charles, Anne Arundel, Calvert, Prince
George's and Montgomery counties, shall compose the fifth
district; and one of the Justices of the Court of Appeals,
shall be elected from each of said districts, by the qualified
voters of the whole State. The present Chief Justice and