declared therein; and in case any public law is made to take
effect before the said first day of June, the General Assembly
shall provide for the immediate publication of the same.
Sec. 31. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury of the
State, except in accordance with an appropriation by law and
every such law shall distinctly specify the sum appropriated,
and the object to which it shall be applied; provided, that
nothing herein contained shall prevent the General Assembly
from placing a Contingent Fund at the disposal of the Exe-
cutive, who shall report to the General Assembly at each ses-
sion, the amount expended and the purposes to which it was
applied; an accurate statement of the receipts and expendi-
tures of the public money shall be attached to and published
with the laws after each regular session of the General As-
Sec. 32. The General Assembly shall not pass local or spe- '
cial laws in any of the following enumerated cases, viz: For
the assessment and collection of taxes for State or county pur-
poses; or extending the time for the collection of taxes; pro-
viding for the support of public schools; the preservation of
school funds; the location or the regulation of school houses;
granting divorces; relating to fees or salaries; relating to the
interest on money; providing for regulating the election or
compensation of State or county offices; or designating the
places of voting; or the boundaries of election districts; pro-
viding tor the sale of real estate belonging to minors or other
persons laboring under legal disabilities by executors, admin-
istrators, guardians or trustees; giving effect to informal or
invalid deeds or wills; refunding money paid into the State
Treasury, or releasing persons from their debts or obligations
to the State, unless recommended by the Governor or officers
of the Treasury Department; or establishing, locating or af-
fecting the construction of roads, and the repairing or build-
ing of bridges; and the General Assembly shall pass no
special law tor any case for which provision has been made
by an existing General Law. The General Assembly at its
first session after the adoption of this Constitution, shall pass
general laws, providing for the cases enumerated in this section
and for all other cases where a General Law can be made ap-
Sec. 33. No debt shall be hereafter contracted by the Gen-
eral Assembly unless such debt shall be authorized by a law
providing for the collection of an annual tax or taxes sufficient
to pay the interest on such debt as it falls due, and also to
discharge the principal thereof within fifteen years from the
time of contracting the same, and the taxes laid for this pur-