giance to the State of Maryland, and support the Constitution
and Laws thereof, and that I will bear true allegiance to the
United States-, and support, protect and defend the Constitu-
tion, Laws and Government thereof, as the supreme law of
the land, any law or ordinance of this or any State to the con-
trary notwithstanding; that I have never directly or indirectly
by word, act or deed, given any aid, comfort or encourage-
ment to those in rebellion against the United States or the
lawful authorities thereof, but that I have been truly, and
loyally on the side of the United States against those in armed
rebellion against the United States; and I do further swear
or affirm, that I will, to the best of my abilities, protect and
defend the Union of the United States, and not allow the same
to be broken up and dissolved, or the Government thereof to
be destroyed under any circumstances, if in my power to pre-
vent it. and that I will at all times discountenance and op-
pose all political combinations having for their object such
dissolution or destruction.
Sec. 8. Every person holding any office of trust or profit
under the late Constitution, or under any law of this State,
and who shall be continued in office under this Constitution,
or under any law of the State, shall within thirty days after
this Constitution shall have gone into effect, take and sub-
scribe the oath or affirmation set forth in the seventh section
of this article, and if any such person shall fail to take said
oath his office shall be ipso facto vacant. And every person
hereafter elected or appointed to office in this State, who shall
refuse or neglect to take the oath, or affirmation of office pro-
vided for in the said seventh section of this article, shall be
considered as having refused to accept the said office, and a
new election or appointment shall be made as in case of refu-
sal to accept, or resignation of an office. And any person
swearing, or affirming falsely in the premises, shall on con-
viction thereof in a Court of Law, incur the penalties for will-
ful and corrupt perjury, and thereafter shall be incapable of
holding any office of profit or trust in this State.
SECTION 1. The Executive power of the State shall be vested
in a Governor whose term of office shall commence on the second
Wednesday of January next ensuing his election and continue
for four years, and until his successor shall have qualified;
but the Governor chosen at the first election under this Con-
stitution, shall not enter upon the discharge of the duties of
the office until the expiration of the term for which the pre-