profit or trust under the laws of this State, unless since such
unlawful acts he shall have voluntarily entered into military
service of the United States, and been honorably discharged
therefrom, or be on the day of election actually and voluntarily
in such service, or unless he shall be restored to his full rights
of citizenship by an act of the General Assembly passed by a
vote of two thirds of all the members elected to each House;
and it shall be the duty of all officers of Registration and
Judges of election carefully to exclude from voting or being
registered all persons so as above disqualified; and the Judges
of election at the first election held under this Constitution
shall and at any subsequent election may administer to any
person offering to vote the following oath or affirmation: I do
swear or affirm that I am a citizen of the United States, (hat
I have never given any aid, countenance or support to those
in armed hostility to the United States, that I have never
expressed a desire for the triumph of said enemies over the
arms of the United States, and that I will bear true faith and
allegiance to the United States and support the Constitution
and laws thereof as the supreme law of the land any law or
ordinance of any State to the contrary notwithstanding, that
I will in all respects demean myself as a loyal citizen of the
United States, and I make this oath or affirmation without
any reservation or evasion; and believe it to be binding on me,
and any person declining to take such oath shall not be
allowed to vote, but the taking of such oath shall not be
deemed conclusive evidence of the right of such person to vote;
and any person swearing or affirming falsely shall be liable to
penalties of perjury; and it shall be the duty of the proper
officers. of Registration to allow no person to be registered
until he shall have taken the oath or affirmation above set
out, and it shall be the duty of the Judges of election in all
their returns of the first election held under this Constitution,
to state in their said returns that every person who has voted
has taken such oath or affirmation. But the provisions of
this section, in relation to acts against the United States,
shall not apply to any person not a citizen of the United
States, who shall have committed such acts while in the ser-
vice of some foreign country, at war against the United
States, and who has, since such acts, been naturalized or
may be naturalized under the Laws of the United States,
and the oath above set forth shall be taken in the case of
such persons in such sense.
Sec. 5. If any person shall give or offer to give directly or
indirectly, or hath given or offered to give since the fourth
day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, any bribe, pre-
sent, or reward, or any promise or any security for the pay-
ment, or delivery of money or any other thing to induce any