TI 3
Mr. Berry, of Baltimore county, moved to take up the reso-
lution submitted by Mr. Clarke on Tuesday, May 31st. (See
Journal page 134. )
Decided in the affirmative.
Mr. Berry, of Baltimore county, submitted the following
Amend said resolutions by substituting the following:
Resolved, That a special committee to consist of seven
members, be appointed by the President of the Convention,
of which he shall act as chairman, whose duty it shall be to
visit and confer with the President of the United States,
respecting an appropriation on the part of the Federal Gov-
ernment to the State of Maryland in conformity to the recom-
mendations of the messages of the President of the United
States of March 6th, 1862, and December 1st, 1862, and the
joint resolution of Congress, approved April 10th, 1862,
declaring, "that the United States ought to co-operate with
any State which may adopt gradual abolishment of slavery,
giving to such State pecuniary aid, to be used by the State in
its discretion, to compensate for inconveniences, public and
private, produced by such a change of system. "
The Committee will submit to the President of the United
States article 24 of the Declaration of Rights, as adopted by
this Convention, and respectfully ask in behalf of this body,
that, upon the ratification of said 24th article by the people
of this State, he will recommend to Congress at its next ses-
sion to make such appropriation as will compensate loyal
owners for the inconveniences and losses sustained in the
Mr. Audoun moved to lay the amendment on the table,
The question being on the adoption of the motion,
Mr. Berry, of Baltimore county, demanded the yeas and
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Ecker, Kennard,
Abbott, Greene, Pugh,
Annan, Harwood, Schley,
Audoun, Hatch, Schlosser,