Allegany County—Albert C. Greene, Hopewell Hebb, Geo.
A. Thruston, Jacob Wickard, Jasper Robinette.
Carroll County—John E. Smith, Jonas Ecker, Dr. John
Swope, William S. Wooden.
Howard, County—Joel Hopkins, George W. Sands, James
The roll was called by the Secretary, and all the above
named members responded except the following:
Messrs. Henkle, Thomas, Briscoe, Edelen, Stone, Mitchell,
Johnson, Blackiston, Lansdale, Peter, Duvall, Marbury, Bil-
lingsley, Dent, Gale, and Smith of Worcester county.
The members present had previously qualified before the
Governor, by subscribing to the oath provided by the Act of
Assembly, January Session, 1864.
Mr. Berry, of Prince George's, moved that the Convention
do now adjourn until to-morrow at 12 o'clock.
The question upon its adoption was decided in the nega-
On motion of Mr. Daniel,
The Convention proceeded to the election of a President.
Mr. Stirling nominated Henry H. Goldsborough, of Talbot
Mr. Clarke nominated Ezekiel F. Chambers, of Kent
Mr. Chambers declined the nomination.
The Convention proceeded to vote viva voce for President,
with the following result:
Messrs. Greene, Hebb, Thruston, Wickard, Robinette,
Hatch, Kennard, Brooks. Stockbridge, Stirling, Barron,
Daniel, Abbott, Cushing, Audoun, Berry, of Balt, county,
Ridgely, Hoffman, Parker, King, Mace, Larsh, Smith, of
Carroll, Ecker, Swope, Wooden, Jones, of Cecil, Earle, Scott,
Pugh, Todd, Carter, Noble, Keefer, Schley, Markey, Annan,
Baker, Cunningham, Schlosser, Galloway, McComas, Hopper,
Russell, Hopkins, Sands, Sykes, Valliant, Mullikin, Dellin-
ger, Nyman, Neagley, Mayhugh, Davis, Sneary, Purnell,
Farrow, Murray.
The Chairman announced that the Hon. Henry H. Golds-