On motion of Mr. Berry, of Prince George's;
The order submitted by him yesterday was taken up
Mr. Berry, of Prince George's, submitted the following
as an amendment to said order:
"Ordered, that a Committee to consist of nine members of
the Convention be appointed by the President to wait upon
his Excellency, Governor Bradford, and respectfully request
him to ascertain from the proper authorities, and report to
this Convention at his earliest convenience, the number of
recruits, both white and black, that have been received into
the service of the United States from the city of Baltimore
and several counties in the State respectively, since the be-
ginning of this war, also the number that have been credited
to the said city and counties respectively, and if possible to
have the enrollment so revised and corrected, as to give the
said city and several counties a credit for all the recruits
furnished by them as aforesaid, also take such steps a, s may
be necessary to have credited to said city and counties all
persons who may have been enlisted by military officers in
the employ of the United States, under the pretended authori-
ty of the Government, and transferred by them and credited
to any of the States of the Union. "
Mr. Hebb submitted the following amendment to the
Strike out all alter the word "that, " in the first line, to
the word "to, " in the seventh line, and insert the words "the
Governor be respectfully requested to communicate; "
Mr. Abbott called the previous question;
The question being,
"(Shall the main question be now put?"
It was decided in the negative.
The question then being on the adoption of the amend-
ment to the amendment.
Mr. Berry, of Prince George's, demanded the yeas and
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Hopper, Robinette,
Goldsborough, P't Keefer, Russell,