this Convention by reason of the dangerous illness of a mem-
ber of his family.
On motion of Mr. Duvall,
It was ordered to be entered on the Journal that Mr. Peter
is detained from his seat in this Convention on account of in-
disposition; Messrs. Duvall and Hopper were excused from
attending the sessions of the Convention until Monday; Messrs.
Clarke, Todd and Markey for a few days; Mr. Davis, of
Charles, until Tuesday, and Mr. Ridgely until Tuesday.
The Convention proceeded to the consideration of the
Report of the Committee on the Judiciary Department;
The question being on the adoption of the amendment of
Mr. Clarke, to the amendment of Mr. Hebb;
Mr Clarke withdrew his amendment.
The question then being on the adoption of the amendment
submitted by Mr, Hebb;
On motion of Mr. Smith, of Carroll,
The further consideration of the report was postponed until
Tuesday next, at half-past ten o'clock.
Mr. Clarke gave notice that when the report was again
considered, he would submit the following amendment:
Sec. 11). There shall be a Judge for each county in the
State, who shall be elected by the legal and qualified voters
of the several counties. He shall be a resident for one year
in the county for which he may be elected next before the
time of Iris election, and shall reside in the county for which
he is elected while he continues to act as Judge.
Sec. 20. There shall a Court in each county in the State;
they shall be called Equity Courts for the county in which
they are held. The Judge elected for each county, shall be the
Judge of the said Court, and shall have and exercise in the
county for which he is elected, the full and exclusive power,
authority and jurisdiction of a Court of Equity in their said
county, with all the Chancery powers which the present Cir-
cuit Courts have as Courts of Equity in the several counties,
or which may be hereafter prescribed by laws made pursuant
to this Constitution, with the right of appeal to the Court of
Appeals, as is now or may be hereafter provided for by law.
He shall hold at least four terms of the Equity Court for the
county, or oftener if required by law, and shall be ex-officio