and answer on the other on calling the yeas and nays, the same
shall be noted on the Journal at the request of any member.
Rule 32. No member shall take out of the Convention any
paper belonging to the Convention, without leave of the Presi-
Rule 33. Any member, on motion, or in debate, may call
for the reading of any Law. Journal, Record, or other Public
Proceedings, which may relate to the subject matter.
Rule 34. The name of every member making a motion,
presenting any Petition, Memorial or other Paper, proposing
any Resolution, Order, or other Matter, shall be inserted on
the Journal; but if any motion or proposition be withdrawn,
all proceedings relating immediately thereto shall be ex-
punged from the Journal.
Rule 35. Whilst the President is putting any question, or
addressing the Convention, none shall walk out or cross the
Hall; nor in such case, or while a member is speaking, shall
hold private discourse, so as to interrupt debate.
Rule 36. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be
stated by the President; or being in writing, it shall be
handed to the Chair and read aloud by the Secretary before
debate; and every motion shall be reduced to writing if the
President or any member require h.
Rule 37. When a motion is made and seconded, or when a
question is under debate, the matter shall receive a determi-
nation by the question; or it may be postponed by a motion
to adjourn, to lie on the table, for the previous question, to
postpone to a day certain, to commit or amend, to postpone
indefinitely; which several motions shall have precedence in
the order in which they are arranged.
Rule 38. On a motion for the previous. question, on a mo-
tion for the main question, on a motion to lie on the table,
on a motion to adjourn, there shall be no debate.
Rule 39. Every question shall be entered on the Journal,
and the yeas and nays shall be taken when required by five
members; and whenever the yeas and nays are ordered to be
taken, no question of adjournment shall be received or pro-
pounded by the President until the yeas and nays are called,
counted and reported.
Rule 40. Any member may call for the division of a ques-
tion, which shall be divided, if it comprehend propositions in
substance so distinct that, one being taken away, a substantive
proposition shall remain for the decision of the Convention.