or unfinished business, " and shall come up for consideration
in the order of time in which they were presented.
Rule 12. The Order of the Day shall not be so fixed in point
of time as to exclude the business of the Convention in the
order and divisions prescribed under these Rules, but shall be
fixed so that one hour, at least, from the time of the meeting
of the Convention shall precede it for the transaction of other
business. When the time arrives for the Order of the Day
to be taken up, it shall have preference over all other busi-
ness except the unfinished business in which the Convention
was engaged at the preceding adjournment, under a previous
assignment as the order of the day.
Rule 13. Every subject matter proposed to be considered in
the Convention shall be introduced by motion for leave, by an
order of the Convention, or on the report of a Committee, and
in either of the two cases first mentioned, a Committee to pre-
pare the same shall be appointed, unless the same subject
matter is embraced in the duties assigned to one or more of
the Standing Committees.
Rule 14. Every Committee, reporting any Conventional
business for the consideration of the Convention embracing
provisions for the Constitution, shall submit its reports (whe-
ther in the form of a majority or minority report) in articles,
and without being accompanied by a written report, assign-
ing reasons and arguments sustaining the same.
Rule 15. Every report from a Committee, containing articles
or sections proposed to be made a part of the Constitution,
shall receive three readings in the Convention, on three dif-
ferent days of the session previous to its adoption, unless a
majority of the members elected to the Convention otherwise
determine; the first of which readings shall be by the title
only, unless a majority of the Convention shall otherwise
Rule 16. Every resolution shall be read on two several days,
with an intermission of one day at least, during which time
it shall be on the table for the perusal of members, unless on
very urgent occasions, the Convention by special order, two-
thirds of the members present, agreeing, dispense with the
Rule, which order shall be entered on the Journal.
Rule 17. No resolution shall have a second reading, or a
report a third reading, until every member in the city who
has not been excused by the Convention for indisposition, or
a necessary attendance on public business, shall be called upon