On motion of Mr. Nyman,
It was ordered to be entered on the Journal that Mr. Del-
linger, of Washington county, is absent from his post to-day
in attendance, at Washington city, on official business.
Mr. Sneary submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee on the Tenure, Duties and
Compensation of all civil offices not embraced in the duties of
the Standing Committees, inquire into the expediency of abol-
ishing the office of Commissioners of Public Works;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Kennard, from the Committee on Rules, submitted the
following report:
Which was read and ordered to be printed.
The Committee appointed to prepare Rules for the Conven-
tion beg leave respectfully to make the following report:
Rule 1. The Convention shall not sit with closed doors, and
in no case shall the Hall, where it may be holding its sit-
tings, be cleared of spectators, except in cases of disorder.
Rule 2. The President shall take the Chair every day pre-
cisely at the hour to which the Convention stands adjourned;
shall immediately call the members to order and after Divine
service has been performed, on the appearance of a quorum,
shall cause the Journal of the preceding day to be read.
Rule. 3. The President shall preserve decorum and order;
may speak to points of order in preference to other members;
shall decide questions of order, (unless the yeas and nays be
required, ) subject to an appeal to the House by any two mem-
bers, (in which appeal no member shall speak more than once,
unless by leave of the Convention, ) and he may vote on every
question, except on an appeal from the decision of the Chair
on a question of order.
Rule 4. The President shall examine and correct the Jour-
nal before it is read; he shall have a general direction of the
Hall; he shall have a right to name, from time to time, any
member to perform the duties of the Chair, but such substi-
tution shall not extend beyond a term of days;
he shall appoint all Committees, unless otherwise directed by
the Convention.