SEC. 8. In case of the death, resignation, removal from the
State, or other disqualification of the Governor, the powers,
duties and emoluments of the office shall devolve upon the
Lieutenant Governor; and in case of his death, resignation,
or removal, then upon the President of the Senate for the
time being—until the disqualification or inability shall cease,
or until a new Governor shall be elected and qualified.
Sec. 9. Whenever the Government shall be administered
by the Lieutenant Governor, or he shall be unable to attend
as President of the Senate, the Senators shall elect one of
their own number as President pro tempore.
Sec. 10. The Lieutenant Governor, while he acts as Presi-
dent of the Senate, shall receive for his services the same
compensation which shall, for the same period, be allowed to
the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and no more.
Sec. 11. The Governor shall be Commander-in-Chief of the
land and naval forces of the State, and may call out the mili-
tia to repel invasions, suppress insurrections, and enforce the
execution of the laws; but shall not take the command in per-
son without the consent of the Legislature.
Sec. 12. He shall take care that the laws be faithfully exe-
Sec. 13. He shall nominate, and by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate, appoint all civil and military officers of
the State, whose appointment or election is not otherwise here-
in provided for, unless a different. mode of appointment be pre-
scribed by the law creating the office.
Sec. 14. In case of any vacancy during the recess of the
Senate, in any office which the Governor has power to fill, he
shall appoint some suitable person to said office, whose com-
mission shall continue in force till the end of the next session
of the Legislature, or till some other person is appointed to
the same office, whichever shall first occur, and the nomina-
tion of the person thus appointed during the recess, or of some
other person in his place, shall be made to the Senate, within
thirty days after the next meeting of the Legislature.
Sec. 15. No person, after being rejected by the Senate, shall
be a<rain nominated for the same office, at the same session,
unless at the request of the Senate; or be appointed to the
same office during the recess of the Legislature.
Sec. 16. All civil officers appointed by the Governor and
Senate, shall be nominated to the Senate within fifty days
from the commencement of each regular session of the Legisla-